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  • 1 month later...

Hi folks!

Do you know of any drivers for this graphic card?

My laptop has this graphic card but despite having natit it says it has only 32Mb of VRAM but it has 512Mb, I think maybe I need a specific driver, but I don't know where to get it!

Having this resolution for a 15.9" display really sucks (1024x768), and losing the possibility of enjoying HDMI isn't good too..


So if you can help, I'll really apreciate very much!

As far as I know the g105m is a an overclocked version of the Geforce 9300M GT, so try if you find a kext for that!

See if that will help and please tell if it did or not.


yep. You're right, I search about that info, but still can't find a kaxt for Ge Force 9300M GT/GS.

I was hoping someone could make a proper driver fo this graphics card..

It's crappy dragging windows to anywhere and having to minimize and maximize it so it can see it clearly..

And not having HDMI working is bad too, but that's not my main problem, the reall one is that my graphics card isn't giving as much juice as it could. :(


I hope some of the great programmers around this forum could help!

I'am up to do testing!


BTW, I already tried various drivers such as NVInject, NVInjectGo, NVEnabler, Natit, and some every others that are present in iAtkos v7(currently instaled OSX) and iPC 10.5.6, tried Mac Book Pro drivers, and the new too but didn't made it work properly(Actualy they worked but still with that windows problem and the ports not working..) .I already tried to use UInstaller and marked my nVidia as a Custom nVidia, folowed every step with caution but after reboot with would result in a black screen after apple logo disapears, many other drivers resulted in this, others resulted in a blue screen and others did behave like this but with a little diference, the blue screen appeared but with some horizontal lines blinking, most apeared more in the left half of the screen..

hello, i have a GT130M, i got mine working with QE/CI using the following



http://netkas.org/?p=109#comments (look for the fixed drivers)

and adding device id in both NVDANV50Hal.kext and NVDAResman.kext


GT130M is based on G96 chip family, i don't know about 105M, but it worth a try.

The g105m is based on the G98M GPU, so i dont know if that works.


But i just found a solution that may could work for you.


You can find it in this forum in the your language german(deutsch), anleitungen section.


The name of the topic is: HowTo: hackint0sh & Nvidia Geforce, Grafikbeschleunigung aktivieren


Its about editing 5 kext, the programs you need to are also linked in the guide.


Unfortunately its in german and i didnt find an english version so you have to translate with google or something else.


Hope this will help.

The g105m is based on the G98M GPU, so i dont know if that works.


But i just found a solution that may could work for you.


You can find it in this forum in the your language german(deutsch), anleitungen section.


The name of the topic is: HowTo: hackint0sh & Nvidia Geforce, Grafikbeschleunigung aktivieren


Its about editing 5 kext, the programs you need to are also linked in the guide.


Unfortunately its in german and i didnt find an english version so you have to translate with google or something else.


Hope this will help.



I think I might give it a try!

I have nothing to loose so, I'll have a big problem with the German, but google should solve it! :rolleyes:


When I am done, I'll report you something.


BTW, Thanks in advance!

Any news on this?


Yes there are some news.

This weekend I have done some work on this, I tried that tutorial that was in German, used google translator to translate the page so I could understand what I had to do. Despite having understood and done it all right as it was on the tutorial, the result was a black screen after reboot and after the loading screen (grey screen with the apple).

After this failed procedure I have the idea of doing various installations of the OS X on my laptop using iAtkos v7 (always used the same packages to install but the graphics package).

Started doing it and elaborated a grid with the driver used and the result and that's what I'll share with you:


Driver Result


NVenabler v0.1 - Blue screen after loading***

Natit - black screen after loading

CoreVidia v1.1 - black screen after loading

NVinject v0.2.1** - black screen after loading

NVdarwin v1.2.5** - black screen after loading

NVkush 4.20.2 - kernel panic -> I Can Has Model? Detected

Natit Dual v0.2 - Worked but not good**

Titan - black screen after loading

NVinjectGo v0.2.0 - Black screen after loading

nVidia GT 200 - Worked but not good**

nVidia 2f16 Mac Pro Update - Worked but not good**


This were the results I got after installing OS X with the different nVidia drivers present in iAtkos v7.


*loading is the grey screen with the apple loading, but I always booted with -v flag;

** not good= When I dragged any windows it would 'disappear'; When scroling almost any web page or in Finder only (more or less) 10px would move, in the bottom of the window; My graphics card has 512Mb of VRAM, While on OS X system profiler says:''VRAM (Total): 512 MB'', after installing, in system profiler says ''VRAM (Total): 32 MB''; my VGA port and HDMI port do not work with any driver, but actually never minded trying them on the OS X installer.. (EDIT: HDMI and VGA port do not work even in the installer too).

EDIT:***if I boot in safe-mode (-x flag) I am able to get it working, it only detects 32mb BUT I CAN drag windows anywhere without a problem and the scroll thing that happened with other drivers do NOT happens with this in safe-mode;


I really don't know how the OS X installer can detect my VRAM correctly, and scrolling and dragging windows work properly!

Knowing this, now, can anybody help?

I wish I knew how to code mac stuff...

G_FeniX, thanks for your trial. I'm sure somebody will find it useful for the creation of a compatible driver.

btw, is this gpu new or what? I have this because of a program that the government in my country promotes that let's you buy a computer for 150€ (if you're a student), so I really haven't made a research on the hardware.

I wish I knew how to code mac stuff...

G_FeniX, thanks for your trial. I'm sure somebody will find it useful for the creation of a compatible driver.

btw, is this gpu new or what? I have this because of a program that the government in my country promotes that let's you buy a computer for 150€ (if you're a student), so I really haven't made a research on the hardware.



Me too, I didn't really care about the hardware when I chose this one, my intentions was to have iAtkos on my laptop so I can make it faster than with windows..


But I really hope someone that is into the deep thing of coding and that stuff and helps!


(BTW, as I said before, I am up to testing, but I going on holidays,omorrow, for a week but without my laptop..)

Made some progress!!



I have NVEnabler v0.1 instaled and booting without needing the -x flag!

Without using the -x flag I was getting a blue screen when booting normaly, Minutes ago I've applied some things explained in that German tutorial, I've done some editing to the info.plist of the following kexts to get it working:








In GeForce the original was:


After editing was:



In NVDANV50Hal.kext original:


After editing (this time adding a value):



In NVDAResman.kext original was:

0xfff8ffff 0x017010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x017910de 0x018010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x018810de 
0x018910de 0x020010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x025010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x028010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x030010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x031010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x031910de 0x034910de</string>


After editing (again adding a value):

0xfff8ffff 0x017010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x017910de 0x018010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x018810de 
0x018910de 0x020010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x025010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x028010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x030010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x031010de&
0xfff8ffff 0x031910de 0x034910de


And then in NVEnabler.kext original was:

		<string> 0x000010de&0x0000ffff</string>

After editing:

		<string> 0x000010de&[u][b]0x06ec10de[/b][/u]</string>


Rebooted with -v flag and done! Working!

BUT in System profiler it only detects 32mb and QE isn't suported (yet).


Now, If you want to do it yourself you need to have NVEnabler package from iAtkos v7 installed, then get the program TextMate.

After that, you just Have to go to:


installation HD-> System-> Library-> Extentions


When you're there, look for the kexts that I said that I've edited, to have access to the 'info.plist' right click on the kext and select 'Show contents' and you'll see it.

Right click again on 'info.plist' and slect 'open with' select 'TextMate' app and then do the same editing I did (and showed) but replace the bold and underlined part of the code with your own graphic card IOPCIMatch, to get this value go to sytem profiler -> graphics/displays pick your Device ID (mine was 0x06ec) and in the end of it add '10de', so in my case it would result in 0x06ec10de .


And I think I've explained all that you need to do it yourself!


OH! First backup the kexts your editing so that if something goes wrong you can boot with -x flag and put it back as it was!




Although I've done some progress in booting normaly without the need of the -x flag, System profiler still showing my graphics card has only 32mb of VRAM, VGA and HDMI still not working, so I'am still needing help, but not with that much urgency I had! :(

Yes there are some news.

This weekend I have done some work on this, I tried that tutorial that was in German, used google translator to translate the page so I could understand what I had to do. Despite having understood and done it all right as it was on the tutorial, the result was a black screen after reboot and after the loading screen (grey screen with the apple).

After this failed procedure I have the idea of doing various installations of the OS X on my laptop using iAtkos v7 (always used the same packages to install but the graphics package).

Started doing it and elaborated a grid with the driver used and the result and that's what I'll share with you:


Driver Result


NVenabler v0.1 - Blue screen after loading***

Natit - black screen after loading

CoreVidia v1.1 - black screen after loading

NVinject v0.2.1** - black screen after loading

NVdarwin v1.2.5** - black screen after loading

NVkush 4.20.2 - kernel panic -> I Can Has Model? Detected

Natit Dual v0.2 - Worked but not good**

Titan - black screen after loading

NVinjectGo v0.2.0 - Black screen after loading

nVidia GT 200 - Worked but not good**

nVidia 2f16 Mac Pro Update - Worked but not good**


This were the results I got after installing OS X with the different nVidia drivers present in iAtkos v7.


*loading is the grey screen with the apple loading, but I always booted with -v flag;

** not good= When I dragged any windows it would 'disappear'; When scroling almost any web page or in Finder only (more or less) 10px would move, in the bottom of the window; My graphics card has 512Mb of VRAM, While on OS X system profiler says:''VRAM (Total): 512 MB'', after installing, in system profiler says ''VRAM (Total): 32 MB''; my VGA port and HDMI port do not work with any driver, but actually never minded trying them on the OS X installer.. (EDIT: HDMI and VGA port do not work even in the installer too).

EDIT:***if I boot in safe-mode (-x flag) I am able to get it working, it only detects 32mb BUT I can drag windows anywhere without a problem and the scroll thing that happened with other drivers do NOT happens with this in safe-mode;


I really don't know how the OS X installer can detect my VRAM correctly, and scrolling and dragging windows work properly!

Knowing this, now, can anybody help?


At least a bit of progress!

Are you sure you booted with -f flag to reload the kexts after following the tutorial?

Another problem could be that maybe the new nvidia drivers are required for this and they are only in 10.5.7 i think?

  • 2 weeks later...
At least a bit of progress!

Are you sure you booted with -f flag to reload the kexts after following the tutorial?

Another problem could be that maybe the new nvidia drivers are required for this and they are only in 10.5.7 i think?


Yes, already tried to boot with the -f flag but, still detecting 32mb of VRAM.


I think I saw that package of nvidia new drivers out there in the web, but I don't know where...

Yes, already tried to boot with the -f flag but, still detecting 32mb of VRAM.


I think I saw that package of nvidia new drivers out there in the web, but I don't know where...




I found a interesting post said someone seems make GeForce G 105M driver installed on his machine successfully. Maybe you can make a try. The post can be found at: http://bbs.pcbeta.com/viewthread.php?tid=521032 (in Chinese).


The steps I noticed as follows:


1.X86 Patches/ SMBIOS deivrs/ SMBIOS'for X86/


2. install Drivers/ VGA/ nVidia/ nVidia GT200


3. download and install XDarwin_Nvidia_Installer_V_1.1_OSX.mpkg (select all Nvidia 9 Series and EFI)


3. it should boot without problem and works. If can't boot, enter single user mode, and delete SMBIOS deivrs.


Maybe you can give it a try. Good luck.




I found a interesting post said someone seems make GeForce G 105M driver installed on his machine successfully. Maybe you can make a try. The post can be found at: http://bbs.pcbeta.com/viewthread.php?tid=521032 (in Chinese).


The steps I noticed as follows:


1.X86 Patches/ SMBIOS deivrs/ SMBIOS'for X86/


2. install Drivers/ VGA/ nVidia/ nVidia GT200


3. download and install XDarwin_Nvidia_Installer_V_1.1_OSX.mpkg (select all Nvidia 9 Series and EFI)


3. it should boot without problem and works. If can't boot, enter single user mode, and delete SMBIOS deivrs.


Maybe you can give it a try. Good luck.



I took a look on it, using google translator I could understand something of that..

But in fact the graphic driver that was being installed was the GeForece G 103M I don't really know the similarities, but I'll investigate later that..


BTW, I tried to follow his tutorial but no good results, the results of following it were results like using Natit Dual v0.2 that, as I wrote before, it boots normaly, I have video, but when I try to drag any window they almost disapear, no video ports working, detects only 32Mb of VRAM.

Basicly I already tried this, but In this chinese tutorial the diference between his method and mine is that he delets SMBIOS for it to work properly and he selects two driver packages in the installation, I used SMBIOS normally (same as he, SMBIOS v27 - MacBook) and selected only one package, but both results were the same, video working but not properly.


Until now, the best result that I achieved was using NVenabler v0.1 and editing some kexts.

Still hoping that someone can give me a better solution!


As I said, I am up to testing!

I took a look on it, using google translator I could understand something of that..

But in fact the graphic driver that was being installed was the GeForece G 103M I don't really know the similarities, but I'll investigate later that..


BTW, I tried to follow his tutorial but no good results, the results of following it were results like using Natit Dual v0.2 that, as I wrote before, it boots normaly, I have video, but when I try to drag any window they almost disapear, no video ports working, detects only 32Mb of VRAM.

Basicly I already tried this, but In this chinese tutorial the diference between his method and mine is that he delets SMBIOS for it to work properly and he selects two driver packages in the installation, I used SMBIOS normally (same as he, SMBIOS v27 - MacBook) and selected only one package, but both results were the same, video working but not properly.


Until now, the best result that I achieved was using NVenabler v0.1 and editing some kexts.

Still hoping that someone can give me a better solution!


As I said, I am up to testing!




You will notice that the reply posting #35 of original post I mentioned (in page 2: http://bbs.pcbeta.com/viewthread.php?tid=5...tra=&page=2 ). There is someone who tried this tutorial on his machine with 105M display card and worked. He said he only installed nVidia GT200 and Enabler_for_Nvidia_and_multiple_ATI_cards(Injector) and rebooted tehn worked.


I did not try it yet, and did not know if this really works. Maybe you can try again. ;)


Good Luck.



You will notice that the reply posting #35 of original post I mentioned (in page 2: http://bbs.pcbeta.com/viewthread.php?tid=5...tra=&page=2 ). There is someone who tried this tutorial on his machine with 105M display card and worked. He said he only installed nVidia GT200 and Enabler_for_Nvidia_and_multiple_ATI_cards(Injector) and rebooted tehn worked.


I did not try it yet, and did not know if this really works. Maybe you can try again. ;)


Good Luck.


OH! I really didn't go through the comments so that's why I didn't really saw it..

I'll now do another TM backup and try it!



BTW, another good info, I've updated from 10.5.7 to 10.5.8, I've read that you can loose sound and when your computer goes to sleep it doesn't wake, I had that problem with sleep and had another but with graphics, I had NVenabler with the kexts modded when updated my sytem the graphics went 'bad' like if I had Natit Dual v0.2 or as if I had the GT 200 or even 2f16 Mac Pro Update installed.


When I finish, again, I'll post the results!



I got it working (almost) perfectly!


HDMI port is working too!


I just installed nVidia GT200 (that is present in iAtkos v7) and Enabler_for_Nvidia_and_multiple_ATI_cards (Selecting Nvidia 9 series and EFI) and rebooted then worked perfectly!



So if you have a GeForce G 105M read all this thread, and see the solutions that I've tried and find the best for you!




As an attachment I'll leave the installer that I had to use after installing iAtkos v7, I think you don't have to do a fresh install BUT as the installer says if you have ANY other injector or enabler currently installed you'll have to erase it before running the installer!


The graphic card is detected as if is was a GeForce 9800GX2 but with some kext editing you can easily change it to the real name!


My next step is to install the update 10.5.8 and see what happens!


THANK YOU ypyean!




I got it working perfectly!


VGA and HDMI ports are working too!


I just installed nVidia GT200 (that is present in iAtkos v7) and Enabler_for_Nvidia_and_multiple_ATI_cards (Selecting Nvidia 9 series and EFI) and rebooted then worked perfectly!



So if you have a GeForce G 105M read all this thread, and see the solutions that I've tried and find the best for you!




As an attachment I'll leave the installer that I had to use after installing iAtkos v7, I think you don't have to do a fresh install BUT as the installer says if you have ANY other injector or enabler currently installed you'll have to erase it before running the installer!


The graphic card is detected as if is was a GeForce 9800GX2 but with some kext editing you can easily change it to the real name!


My next step is to install the update 10.5.8 and see what happens!


THANK YOU ypyean!


I could not get it to work using the Enabler_for_Nvidia_and_multiple_ATI_cards or XDarwin_Nvidia_Installer_V_1.1_OSX.mpkg with 18.5.2f16_geforce_mac_osx.dmg. I got black screen. did you change any kext?



I got it working perfectly!


VGA and HDMI ports are working too!


I just installed nVidia GT200 (that is present in iAtkos v7) and Enabler_for_Nvidia_and_multiple_ATI_cards (Selecting Nvidia 9 series and EFI) and rebooted then worked perfectly!



So if you have a GeForce G 105M read all this thread, and see the solutions that I've tried and find the best for you!




As an attachment I'll leave the installer that I had to use after installing iAtkos v7, I think you don't have to do a fresh install BUT as the installer says if you have ANY other injector or enabler currently installed you'll have to erase it before running the installer!


The graphic card is detected as if is was a GeForce 9800GX2 but with some kext editing you can easily change it to the real name!


My next step is to install the update 10.5.8 and see what happens!


THANK YOU ypyean!



amazing! it works!

thank you very much:)

I could not get it to work using the Enabler_for_Nvidia_and_multiple_ATI_cards or XDarwin_Nvidia_Installer_V_1.1_OSX.mpkg with 18.5.2f16_geforce_mac_osx.dmg. I got black screen. did you change any kext?


No, I did not change any kext.

As I mentioned I did a clean install of iAtkos v7 and for Video packages just selected the nVidia GT200 then when finished the installation went through the welcome thing and run the XDarwin_Nvidia_Installer_V_1.1_OSX.mpkg, rebooted and DONE! Working perfectly!


Now, I'll do some kext editing JUST to give the correct name to my graphics card!


amazing! it works!

thank you very much:)


I'm glad my testing could help! :D





EDIT: Done some more progress, DO NOT install the 10.5.8 Mac OS X Update because it will make your graphics not to work again, you'll boot and your screen will go black.



Done the kext editing to correct the graphic card name!

It works. Nice. Now I just need to figure out why I can't always boot into osx...


I had no problem when booting, I just takes a bit longer after (Edit:that I found that was because I had too many kexts on /Extra folder forcing to load on the boot that weren't needed) the grey loading screen but then goes smooothly!


I've dome the kext editing and now in sytem profiler my card apears with the correct name, was easy to find what to edit, it was the Nvinject.kext and in the line that has the name that your graphics card is named (9800GX2) and write right name (G 105M) and then use some program as Kext Utility 2.0 and boot with -f flag. DONE!





To bypass the 10.5.8 update I've done some more editing, I edited the SystemVersion.plist that's in /System/Library/CoreServices edit the version (10.5.7) present there to the newest one (10.5.8).


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