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Hey everyone.

I've been having terrible luck with threads, replies, questions, and - in short - having them read.

I am currently one step away from a 100% fully functioning Hackintosh setup. The remaining problem I have is a kernel panic that occurs only when I shut down the Mac. I'm thus required to hold the power button to turn it off -- not a huge dilemma, though I'd love to see a fix.


I am running a 10.5.6 install, from retail DVD, with Darwin/Chameleon.

Updated to 10.5.7 with no issues.

Motherboard is a Gigabyte G31M-ES2L.

Sound is onboard Realtek ALC883, currently fully operational.


Booting with -v in Darwin allowed me to find the cause of my kernel panic, at shut down. Among other lines, I wind up with the text;


Panic (cpu 1 caller 0x003F08F4) : "a driver releasing a(n) AppleHDAController has corrupted the registry\n"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1228.12.14/libkern/c++/OSObject.cpp: 241


Does anyone know how to remedy this problem?

Since AppleHDAController is actually inside the AppleHDA kext, I have to ask: is there a way to patch it? This guide seems like it could work, though I do fear of some issues with the patch altering different onboard audio (my 883, vs. the 268 in the thread).


Kind of tempted to try out the HDA Fix V3, though I decided to ask for some other people's opinions and advice before I embark on the journey for a proper shut down.


Any replies would be immensely appreciated.

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try OpenHaltRestart.kext you can google it it should stop the problem


Hey, thanks for the suggestion Lastowl.

I should have mentioned that I have indeed tried the OpenHaltRestart.kext. I also read that a big kernel panic/shutdown error was due to an extra "Fonts" folder under the User folder (as opposed to the System folder). I removed that, as well, to no avail.


Booting with -v points to a corrupt registry courtesy of AppleHDAController. I'm almost positive it's the culprit... I just need a means of correcting it. And therein lies the dilemma.

Motherboard is a Gigabyte G31M-ES2L.

Sound is onboard Realtek ALC883, currently fully operational.


Hi Melancholique,


I have the same mobo. Mine is working fine except for the microphone. I used this installation method.


How were you able to make your microphone work? Please share you solution.



Hi Melancholique,


I have the same mobo. Mine is working fine except for the microphone. I used this installation method.


How were you able to make your microphone work? Please share you solution.




Hmm... actually, Mac Stripper, I'm terribly sorry; I haven't tried a mic input on my setup, yet. Terribly foolish of me to forget that factor, since I did say everything is working. But amidst the resolution/audio/etc. fixes, my mind completely blanked over testing a microphone.


...And giving it further thought, I've realized that I can't test a mic input at this time. I have no compatible microphone or webcam to test. Sorry about that.


But we did follow that same exact guide. That I'm sure of. If you can't get your audio input to work, there's a good chance mine doesn't work, either.


But my question is... your Shut Down does work properly? What about logging out and then shutting down? -- That's what I do, when I pass on the Sleep feature and go straight for the power off. And every time, I get a Kernel Panic. Very odd that you don't...

I'm willing to give it a shot, most definitely.

Would you be so kind as to tell me where I could find "AppleHDAController 1.3.3a1"? Tried a search [on both the forums and Google] and didn't find much of a solution.


Furthermore - in case 1.3.3a1 did screw up my near-perfect setup - what is the best recommended way to back up System and Kext files? Through OSX86 Tools?

I'm a complete idiot when it comes to this kind of stuff. I downloaded a Plist Editor, as you recommended, but I have no idea where I copy and paste the original ID and PinConfigure Data from.


Just for kicks, though, here's a comparison between the original HDAController, and the HDAController you attached a few posts up. (Mine is on the left, yours on the right). Granted, I have no idea what any of it means, or what I should change... it may be a step in the right direction.


Anyways, I'm going to attach the AppleHDA kext I'm currently using. Keep in mind that this does have fully functioning audio -- there's just an issue with the drivers when trying to Shut Down (though Sleep and Restart work perfectly).


Cheers, and thanks for any further insight.


New problem; as of today, all of my Kext files now appear as folders...?

I have no idea what's going on, but they no longer resemble a white Lego piece.

As a result, I can't install them through OSX86 Tools. Is it possible to replace the folder, than Clear Cache/Repair Permissions through OSX86 Tools?


Ideally, though, do you [or anyone else] know of a fix to restore Kexts back to their original icon?

New problem; as of today, all of my Kext files now appear as folders...?

I have no idea what's going on, but they no longer resemble a white Lego piece.

As a result, I can't install them through OSX86 Tools. Is it possible to replace the folder, than Clear Cache/Repair Permissions through OSX86 Tools?


Ideally, though, do you [or anyone else] know of a fix to restore Kexts back to their original icon?


Fix your Launch Services database (tinkertool system can do that e.g.)

Well, Riws, I think you may have actually solved the shutdown dilemma. Props!

I reinstalled OSX 10.5.6 from scratch, to get my Kexts back [Tinkertools and various other methods didn't do the trick]. Once I updated to 10.5.7, I came back here and applied the Kext you attached. Afterwards, I did a Shut Down with -v, and sure enough, the machine powered down without a kernel panic. Awesome!


There's only one catch; it disabled my sound.

Upon restart, I have a visible audio slider. I can indeed "adjust" the volume, on-screen. [As in, the volume blips fill up or lower, depending on my adjustment, vs. the typical "no volume" icon]. However, nothing plays through the speakers... at all.


Is there a way to keep the AppleHDA.kext you attached, while also patching the ALC883, to restore audio?

The audio is obviously enabled, if I can control it, I just think it's driver is faulty.


But at least you remedied the kernel panic, I think.

And for that I thank you much.

So I tried this, earlier this morning, before work. Deleted AppleAzaliaAudio.kext, cleared cache, set permissions, and rebooted. All it did was remove the sound icon from the top menu bar, and disable my volume controls. Any suggestions from here? I'm considering reinstalling that HDA kext you provided, now, since Azalia is gone.


The thing is, I know - for a fact - that the hardware works. I did have flawless audio with 10.5.7 no less than a week ago. I'd love to get the on-board audio working, sans kernel panics, but at this rate... I'm considering counting my losses and investing in an USB soundcard.




After I removed AppleAzaliaAudio.kext + cleared the extensions cache + set extensions permissions, I reinstalled the AppleHDA.kext you provided earlier, Riws. Upon reboot, I've got the same result: no audio controls, and no Audio Output Device detected, in the preference pane. I double-checked my Extensions folder, just to be safe, and I am definitely only using your AppleHDA.kext -- AppleAzalia is gone.


Any ideas? I never downloaded an AppleAzaliaAudio kext, ever, which means that it was in my Extensions folder back when I had audio working on 10.5.7.


Argh. I just want my sound back.

So I tried this, earlier this morning, before work. Deleted AppleAzaliaAudio.kext, cleared cache, set permissions, and rebooted. All it did was remove the sound icon from the top menu bar, and disable my volume controls. Any suggestions from here? I'm considering reinstalling that HDA kext you provided, now, since Azalia is gone.


The thing is, I know - for a fact - that the hardware works. I did have flawless audio with 10.5.7 no less than a week ago. I'd love to get the on-board audio working, sans kernel panics, but at this rate... I'm considering counting my losses and investing in an USB soundcard.




After I removed AppleAzaliaAudio.kext + cleared the extensions cache + set extensions permissions, I reinstalled the AppleHDA.kext you provided earlier, Riws. Upon reboot, I've got the same result: no audio controls, and no Audio Output Device detected, in the preference pane. I double-checked my Extensions folder, just to be safe, and I am definitely only using your AppleHDA.kext -- AppleAzalia is gone.


Any ideas? I never downloaded an AppleAzaliaAudio kext, ever, which means that it was in my Extensions folder back when I had audio working on 10.5.7.


Argh. I just want my sound back.


Do you happen to have  HDAEnabler.kext in your System/Library/Extensions folder? I know I need that in addition to AppleHDA.kext for my ALC883 to work.

Thanks for the reply, Anorexorcist.

Just checked my Extensions, and I do have the HDAEnabler.kext. It has a green label, though, which leads me to believe that I downloaded it from a file, site, or another user... maybe it's not compatible with the AppleHDA.kext that Riws customized for me?


Mind if I ask which install version you're running, Anorexorcist? 10.5.7? I'd be willing to try your HDAEnabler, just for kicks. Not like I have much to lose, in the audio department.

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