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Okay...so I am trying a new distro of Leo.  iPC.


I just got it all downloaded and now I am unzipping it. Something stange came out of it though. Instead of an ISO or IMG file, I got something called a "P2 File"




What is a P2 file and if it isn't burnable to disk to run, can it be converted. Otherwise that's several hours worth of time downloading down the drain.







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Never heard of a .p2 file...something tells me you dl'd the wrong torrent





Believe it or not, I didn't use a torrent. I don't like using torrents. I do direct downloads only.


All the files are there. Maybe someone just saved it as the wrong format. I'm going to try changing it's file extension to .iso and burn it. If it doesn't work. I'll just have to try again.


By the way...do you know which Distros work with AMD since that's what I have and not all of the distros say what they can work with.







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