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Asrock Dual-Sata2 native success?


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Just curious if anyone has successfully done a native install on the Dualsata2? I've found posts referring to success in VM installs, but nothing concise about native. I've been trying to myself, hanging on the root device error with every build I've tried (including 10.4.6 with the Jas v1 ppf).


Been swapping my dvd and hdd all over the place, both on ide1 now, with the dvd as master, still can't get past waiting for the root device though...woohoo :whistle:

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I ended up going the VMWare route mate...it actually worked quite well, glad I did it just for the fact of learning that way too. Boots native fine, just slow as {censored} ide access, satas work great after kexting them into the viaata kext.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I ended up going the VMWare route mate...it actually worked quite well, glad I did it just for the fact of learning that way too. Boots native fine, just slow as {censored} ide access, satas work great after kexting them into the viaata kext.
I've a srock dualsata 2 too, can u give me more informations how to put the osx working native on this board? :)
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I've a srock dualsata 2 too, can u give me more informations how to put the osx working native on this board? :thumbsdown_anim:


The only way I know is to have your install HD as Master on IDE1 AND your install DVD as slave on the same same IDE 1.

This solution works but is really slow................

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  • 1 month later...

I know this post is a month old but,


Just done my second install using GoatsecxDVD 10.4.6 and installed natively the first time.


On my Asrock DualSATA2 I had to:


Primary Master: DVDROM drive

Primary Slave: ATA HD


Booted fine with this configuration.


As per the Wiki, Asrock DualSATA2 and OSX. SATA, Network and Sound dont work.



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I will second that. I just finished installing OSX 10.4.5 nativly on my Asrock 939 dual sata2. As stated via the wiki..... no ethernet or sound. Put your dvd drive on primary master and hd on primary slave. It take more than 1hr to install, but it does install. In my case the speed is pretty good, just wish I have ethernet. :(





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The first time I installed I jut hit "Install", and it took hours, this time I removed all the language options, all the Print drivers and it took about 30 minutes from start to rebooting to Darwin. FYI.

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