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Update: There is a newer thread for 10.6 over here This older tutorial will likely not be updated at all now that most users have moved on to 10.6. New users should proceed to 10.6 directly; there is no good reason to do a new install with an old version of OSX.


Here's what I've figured out so far on getting OSX working on the dell studio xps 1340, aka dell studio xps 13.


Working "out of the box":

  • gig-ethernet, usb, firewire, sata
  • system suspend
  • touchpad as mouse
  • webcam (video only), video capture verified with photo booth application
  • Bluetooth in HID mode (think dumb mouse)

Working with mods below:

  • GeForce 9400M G graphics with quartz extreme, external HDMI/VGA/display port
  • Built-in speaker, hotkey volume/mute controls
  • Intel speedstep
  • Touchpad gestures, and working touchpad after resume with modified version of voodoo team's Voodoops2controller
  • Battery status & suspend on lid closed
  • Bluetooth in HCI mode (full functionality)
  • touchpad usability after resume

Not working:

  • Built-in digital mic, mic-in jack, mute of speakers when headphones attached
  • Dell 1515 802.11 wireless (atheros ar9280 aka ar5009). However some systems ship with the older Dell 1510 802.11 which is broadcom based and works. Update: Apple's OSX driver for this newer Atheros hardware has materialized in the 10.6.0 (Snow Leopard) beta distribution. I've tested it & confirmed that it is working "out of the box" on this laptop as of that beta release.
  • SLI with 9500m video
  • SD flash card. Perhaps someone could try the new VoodooSDHCI solution and report back.

Not tested yet (let us know):

  • Infrared
  • expresscard

For installation I recommend the XxX 10.5.6 distribution, or a boo132+retail disk solution, as other pre-packaged distros don't seem to handle booting off of nvidia sata devices.

(Before XxX I tried the iPC livedvd, and that would hang during boot, apparently due to lack of nvidia sata support. Older distributions such as kalyway, boot & install but the OS randomly hangs, apparently due to problems with the sata drivers.)


With XxX, during the install, you need not select any of the optional kexts. Note that more is not necessarily better - you can screw up features such as system suspend by installing kexts that were meant for other chipsets such as older nvidia chipsets.


For working quartz Extreme & core image (QE/CI), install my modified IOPCIFamily kext 10.5.6 version, 10.5.7 version and my EFI plist here. My EFI plist includes EFI strings for the 9400m video and for the IDT audio. To apply the plist to your com.apple.boot.plist using OSX86 Tools:

  1. Save attached plist file as something.plist
  2. Run OSX86 Tools
  3. Select Add EFI Strings/Boot Flag
  4. Select Import Hex/Plist
  5. Select Import File
  6. Select the plist file you just saved, click choose
  7. Select import string to boot editor
  8. select apply changes to com.apple.boot.plist

Replace the existing IOPCIFamily kext with my modified kext (manually or using something like kexthelper).



The IOPCIFamily change I made isn't necessary if you instead use natit (or EFI injection via dsdt). I'd recommend the natit approach at this point for 10.5.8 users as it avoids having to modify apple's stock kexts. With my modified Natit.kext Natit.bcc9.v3.zip, the same EFI graphics strings are injected as with the IOPCIFamily+com.apple.Boot.plist approach.


To fix the touchpad gestures, touchpad resume-ability, keyboard issues, you can install the VoodooPS2Controller. First you should uninstall any distro-provided AppleACPIPS2Nub,ApplePS2Controller kexts before installing the voodoops2controller pkg else you'll get panics and problems with keyboard input. Apparently it's still not legal to link to the voodoops2 package, so go look for VoodooPS2Controller-0.98-installer.pkg. After installing the stock 0.98 version to set up the trackpad control panel entry, I recommend replacing voodoops2controller.kext with my updated version. My updated version here, allows the touchpad to work after resume, and doesn't swap the mac command/option keys. It is based upon some enhancements posted over here http://forum.voodooprojects.org/index.php/topic,304.0.html


For working IDT audio you'll also need the attached AppleHDA.kext. Thanks to the Dell 1535/1735 folks (ridgeline, boombeng) for coming up with IDT audio pathmaps that begin to work on this laptop. Unfortunately this kext is from 10.5.3 and at also seems to be flaky for some users, as it was for the 1535/1735. This old kext will also make the system fail to shutdown cleanly, though there is a workaround for that.

You should *not* need to install HDAEnabler.kext as advised elsewhere as my EFI plist includes the audio EFI string already.

Update: Verify working audio by ensuring that "Internal Speakers" is available and selected under System Preferences->sound->output, then go to the sound effects tab and try something.


For working CPU throttling (intel speedstep) use my modified version of superhai's VoodooPower.kext. Attached. (I've attached my source code changes as well, which is only of interest if you're a developer, here.) Superhai has some support applications: GenericCPUPMControl, vpower over here, and there's also cpu-x to monitor the CPU multiplier state.


For battery status and system sleep upon lid close, you need

  1. the ACPI Embedded Controller to load properly. Turns out a bug in AppleACPIPlatform was causing the embedded controller (AppleACPIEC) to fail to load, I've made a patch to AppleACPIPlatform to fix that. Replace the stock version in /System/Library/Extensions/AppleACPIPlatform.kext/Contents/MacOS with my patched version. Again, use something like kexthelper if you need help preserving permissions and ownership when making this change. 10.5.6 version, 10.5.7 version, 10.5.8 version
  2. a cleaned up DSDT. Here is mine, based upon A06 BIOS. (A06, A07 and A08 BIOS have identical DSDT, by the way). Install DSDT.aml to a location where your Chameleon bootloader will pick it up at boot time. I recommend creating the /Extra directory and copying dsdt.aml from my .zip into /Extra/DSDT.aml (note that filename case matters to Chameleon here).
  3. An updated version of the Chameleon bootloader if you're using an older bootloader that cannot patch the DSDT. The bootloader that comes with the XxX distro is chameleon 1.0.11 based and won't patch the DSDT. I recommend you update your bootloader to the Chameleon-2.0-r431 revision
  4. VoodooBattery, for the battery icon

For bluetooth with HCI, I've written a driver that enables that, posted over here


There are a few drivers that don't behave well across a suspend/resume, the best fix I've come up with so far is to install sleepwatcher&its enclosed startup package, from here: http://www.bernhard-baehr.de/, then install my custom /etc/rc.sleep, /etc/rc.wakeup scripts from here. These scripts address

  1. Firewire GUID being stuck at 0000000000000000, logging errors and keeping the system from re-suspending
  2. Automatic configuring of bluetooth HCI modeWith my new driver referenced above, you don't need sleepwatcher for this

I could really use some help on the non-working components! Such as:

  • For SLI video, need someone who has the 9500m to try and work on a 2nd graphics EFI string for the 9200m part. I think the right devicepath for the 9200m is:
    PciRoot(0x1)/Pci(0x0c,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0), but I don't have a 9500m to play with this.
  • For audio, it'd be great if someone could figure out how to get the 10.5.6 version of the IDT-modified AppleHDA.kext to work. I get no audio devices with this version. Also both analog&digital mics work under linux with alsa 1.0.19, but not under OSX, even with what looks like the right pathmap. Clues?
  • USB devices such as disk drives get "device removal" events upon wakeup from suspend.
  • Something seems wrong with the IOAHCISerialATAPI driver. Upon wakeup from suspend the disk activity light flashes every 2 seconds or so apparently with the driver trying to stat the dvd-rom drive. Putting a disk in the drive fixes this.

Contributions welcome













bcc9 =) great news!! With new voodoops2 kext, i have TRACKPAD!!!!!! tapping works, scrolling works, no high speed mouse etc...edit your first post!! (still lose trackpad after sleep though)


On the other side (i just did a clean install again) =( still my audio works whenever it wants...:(!!






edit: can you try please VoodooHDA? I works with me..but the audio is..terrible, like I mean, at least with this one..i have always audio, though its unacceptable its just noise, its distorcioned. Maybe you can try..

great news!! With new voodoops2 kext, i have TRACKPAD!!!!!! tapping works, scrolling works, no high speed mouse etc...edit your first post!! (still lose trackpad after sleep though)

Great, thanks for finding that. I'll update my first post. I'm happy to keep my first post updated as things evolve. Too bad this driver doesn't fix the keyboard or resume from suspend though.


On the other side (i just did a clean install again) =( still my audio works whenever it wants...
Strange, my speakers always work.


can you try please VoodooHDA? I works with me..but the audio is..terrible, like I mean, at least with this one..i have always audio, though its unacceptable its just noise, its distorcioned. Maybe you can try..
Hmm, what you describe is a step in the wrong direction so I'll take a look but it sounds like there is work to be done on the driver before it's ready for more than experimenting.
I just picked up a 1340 today, and I'm new at installing OSX on PC platforms. I'm wondering how you install the .kext files that are not built into the distro.
For newbies, gui tools such as kext helper (that I mentioned above), or OSX86 Tools can install kexts. I've tried neither, but probably the later would make the most sense since you use that tool already to install my EFI string modifications. OSX86 Tools is available as an install option with the XxX distro btw. Looks like OSX86 Tools can also backup&restore your Extensions folder, and I'd certainly recommend making a backup of that before making any changes.

After Installing voodoops2controller and uninstalling AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext I lose the trackpad.


I also noticed that the keyboard would freakout when using the Menus while in firefox.


What is the preferred method to uninstalling the AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext, perhaps I did that wrong? And when installing the voodoops2controller, is using their install package okay?


I used ideneb's latest version for my initial install for the records.

After Installing voodoops2controller and uninstalling AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext I lose the trackpad.


I also noticed that the keyboard would freakout when using the Menus while in firefox.

I had those two problems too when I didn't realize I needed to uninstall AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext.

What is the preferred method to uninstalling the AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext, perhaps I did that wrong?
I don't know, I just did it manually (moved it out of /System/Library/Extensions, and did a rm -rf /System/Library/Caches /System/Library/Extensions.mkext)

And when installing the voodoops2controller, is using their install package okay?
Yes, I should think so. I did also select the trackpad option in their installer which wasn't on by default.

Hi guys how you doing. I just started to install Leo 1.5.6 (iDeneb) however am having minor apps crashes when trying to use the webcam, any .kext or fix for it?


Another thing that i must find a solution for if i really want to leave windows {censored}sta forever is i need to get working the dell 1515 n adapter men, i've been looking like crazy around i can find anything, have u guys got any luck. I remember i had the same problem about a year ago when modding my vaio.


anyway, thanks in advance, if i get lucky ill let u know guys.


Take care.



Dell Studio XPS 1340

Intel core 2 duo, P8900, 2.40Ghz

4 Ram

320gb, 7200rmp

nVidia GeForce 9500m (GF 9400MG + GF 9200MGS) -- 256mb

Audio: IDT

Wireless: Mini Dell 1515 N-Adapter

Camera: 2.0mp --- i suppose dell

enthernet: nVidia nForce


To make it short, NOT WORKING:

keyboard (on the process of fix)

media buttons


camera (is recognized but crashes on trying to use it)

video card (only 32mb recognized)

audio (applied patch but no luck, but am on it)




Take care now.

To make it short, NOT WORKING:

keyboard (on the process of fix) ---> delete appleacpips2nub.kext install voodoops2

media buttons ---> they work just ootb with me

wireles ----> you are screwed wont work atm afaik

camera (is recognized but crashes on trying to use it) --> to be honest i had'nt tried, which apps crash??

video card (only 32mb recognized) ----> you have to change iopcifamily.kext (provided in 1st link)

audio (applied patch but no luck, but am on it) -----> you need to change applehda.kext and use the plist in 1st link

I had those two problems too when I didn't realize I needed to uninstall AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext.

I don't know, I just did it manually (moved it out of /System/Library/Extensions, and did a rm -rf /System/Library/Caches /System/Library/Extensions.mkext)

Yes, I should think so. I did also select the trackpad option in their installer which wasn't on by default.


Seems that the cache did not clear out properly my first go around. Thanks!



The 1510 wifi card is $29.95 on ebay if anyone wishes to purchase one- this card does work.

The dell 1515 802.11n is the atheros ar9280 (also goes by name ar5009 it seems) , which according to Atheros' press release: http://www.atheros.com/news/AR9280_AR9281.htm

supports OSX. So I think we basically just need to wait for Atheros or Apple to publish the alleged driver. That is unless someone wants to roll their own based upon the linux version. I certainly don't care enough to do that.


The built-in webcam works out of the box for video capture with photo booth.

I found some trackpad drivers from the dell mini 9 forums that work a lot better than the voodoops2.


Also, I installed the AppleHDA and still can't get the sound to work. Any advice?

How is it better, does it make the trackpad actually work upon resume from suspend?

For audio, I'd verify that the EFI string change is in your ioregistry, like:

ioreg -n AZA -r -x

should show the AZA@8 node with layout-id 0c000000 and also PinConfigurations populated from the driver.

This is good news. I am in the market for a laptop right now but I wanted to get something with a bigger screen. I hope Dell releases a Studio XPS 16 with a compatible graphics card soon. As soon as they do that, I'm going to pounce on it because I need a higher resolution screen.


Question: Just curious, does a retail install work properly on the Studio XPS 13?

This is good news. I am in the market for a laptop right now but I wanted to get something with a bigger screen. I hope Dell releases a Studio XPS 16 with a compatible graphics card soon. As soon as they do that, I'm going to pounce on it because I need a higher resolution screen.
With the current xps 16 having only been released a few months ago, I'd say you're waiting into next year at least before there could be a new model. If I were dell I'd make nvidia show progress on the nvidia vista driver issues first, as well.

Question: Just curious, does a retail install work properly on the Studio XPS 13?
Dunno, try it and report back?
How is it better, does it make the trackpad actually work upon resume from suspend?

For audio, I'd verify that the EFI string change is in your ioregistry, like:

ioreg -n AZA -r -x

should show the AZA@8 node with layout-id 0c000000 and also PinConfigurations populated from the driver.


Yea, the trackpad works upon resume. The two finger scroll is a little touchy, though. I got the audio working last night. Everything is working properly except shut down. When I try to shut down after its been asleep at least once since last rebbot, it gives me the error message over the desktop telling me to hold down the power button. When I try to shut down after it has never been asleep since last reboot, everything seem to turn off (desktop goes away and screen turns black) but my power button light, hotkey lights, and hinge lights are still on. I have to hold the power button down to do a hard shut down. Restart works just fine. Any ideas?

I got as far as the combined plist with osX86 Tools and using kext Helper to install the Audio and OI kext, and the laptop refuses to shutdown properly now. The screen will go back, but the LED keyboard stays lit...similar to the behavior of my old m1330 after you applied the Audio kext.


Shutdown was working before I applied the changes mentioned above.

Any idea's?


Also, audio still refuses to play...volume control buttons work but I can't actually hear anything in the speakers.

Its the AppleHDA kext, im certenly sure. Eh..in the other side, I'll have to check those ApplePS2 kexts to see how they work, you are saying they work after sleep! at least i can have audio now without losing trackpad! =P

Can you sleep? do you have audio after sleep???


edit: Tried installing twice the dellmini9 Kexts and didnt worked...not sure why!


I used the installer (must delete /System/Library/Extensions/AppleACPIPS2Nub before running the installer):


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