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[SOLVED]Slow PATA with RD480


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Hi to all,

this is my first 3d in this forum, i hope you can help me to solve my iusses with x86 tiger.

I installed first time 10.4.6 version on pc in signature, i checked Amd Base, Amd SSE2, Amd SSE3, v1.2 AMD Decrypt and 10.4.6 update from Jas install dvd.

After installation (very slow) i repaired permission, restarted, mount -a, monted in write mode and re-appling the amd_enabler i got this error message: "cannot read references bytes from patch description file cpuid_patches.txt!".


I tested my hd speed and it's 1.5Mb/sec on write (very slow). Someone can help me to find solution. I tried all this night to find solution on this forum but all i tried didn't work!!!! :D:)


Audio (ALC882D HD) didn't work.


I am not an expert user of Mac, i already have a iBookG4 but i never used the terminal to work with my MAC!!


Thank you for help!!!!!!

I'm ready to work!!!! :)

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This is my result with XBench:


Results 20.21

System Info

Xbench Version 1.2

System Version 10.4.6 (8I1119)

Physical RAM 1024 MB

Model ADP2,1

Drive Type Maxtor 6Y080L0

CPU Test 71.98

GCD Loop 123.67 6.52 Mops/sec

Floating Point Basic 73.61 1.75 Gflop/sec

vecLib FFT 45.94 1.52 Gflop/sec

Floating Point Library 82.43 14.35 Mops/sec

Thread Test 71.63

Computation 48.11 974.57 Kops/sec, 4 threads

Lock Contention 140.15 6.03 Mlocks/sec, 4 threads

Memory Test 129.80

System 118.62

Allocate 123.66 454.12 Kalloc/sec

Fill 110.12 5354.17 MB/sec

Copy 123.10 2542.56 MB/sec

Stream 143.31

Copy 140.93 2910.94 MB/sec

Scale 131.54 2717.62 MB/sec

Add 151.97 3237.33 MB/sec

Triad 150.75 3224.94 MB/sec

Quartz Graphics Test 88.08

Line 69.71 4.64 Klines/sec [50% alpha]

Rectangle 87.71 26.19 Krects/sec [50% alpha]

Circle 84.19 6.86 Kcircles/sec [50% alpha]

Bezier 94.63 2.39 Kbeziers/sec [50% alpha]

Text 116.64 7.30 Kchars/sec

OpenGL Graphics Test 13.13

Spinning Squares 13.13 16.65 frames/sec

User Interface Test 106.47

Elements 106.47 488.63 refresh/sec

Disk Test 4.68

Sequential 3.11

Uncached Write 2.56 1.57 MB/sec [4K blocks]

Uncached Write 2.69 1.52 MB/sec [256K blocks]

Uncached Read 5.11 1.49 MB/sec [4K blocks]

Uncached Read 3.04 1.53 MB/sec [256K blocks]

Random 9.42

Uncached Write 13.53 1.43 MB/sec [4K blocks]

Uncached Write 4.79 1.53 MB/sec [256K blocks]

Uncached Read 60.97 0.43 MB/sec [4K blocks]

Uncached Read 7.96 1.48 MB/sec [256K blocks]


Ide test is bad but other tests is good!..right??..what do you think about?

IDE channel are made by Uli1575 (here)


thank you

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first you need Jas ppf patch for Jas 10.4.6 DVD/

patch the DVD iso, then burn in.

When you install, you must choose only SSE 2 or 3 (what your processor support) NOT BOTH and Ati X200 patches/

you can download CPUZ for WIN and there you will see what functions your processor supports.

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finnally i found the right name of my ide controller: it's ALi Corporation M5229 IDE. i found some posts in this forum with the same ide controller but i did not undestand if it works good to others!


thank you guys!!

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Sorry to say that, but as long as I know, ULi chipsets are hopeless. There is no kext (driver) for them. And, being a "rare" chipset, very little effort is going into them. Intel-Via-Nforce is what's all about.


If you've got an AMD socket 939 you can try the board A8V-VM from Asus.

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this is a very bad news...i hope someone do something for this chipset... i can't change my MBoard, i need a spdif output with DDLive! and i found only this one that do this!


thank you!

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've got an Asus A8R-MVP with the ULI 1575 southbridge and I have SATA working. What X200 patches are you referring to?


sounds good!!! :hysterical:

can you tell me about your installation??!


thank you


ps. i can't see SATA disks when i install OSX!

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sounds good!!! ;)

can you tell me about your installation??!


thank you


ps. i can't see SATA disks when i install OSX!


You need to add 0x528810B9 to the PCIMatch section of AppleVIAATA.kext/Contents/Info.plist. That's it. Problem is that I can't figure out how to add this file to an install DVD so I can install it to SATA native. I have to use VMWare to install it, edit the kext, then reboot in native. If someone could shed some light on that, I'd really appreciate it. I have read the many topics on how to create an extensions.mkext file, but when I do that it says the archive would be too large and quits. The command I ran is "kextcache -m /extensions.mkext /system/library/extensions/".


Anyways, that device id should get you SATA compatibility. Oh, yeah, you can't use AHCI mode, you need to use emulated PATA. I think it only works at SATAI speeds, but hey, it's still fast.


Good luck.

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yeahhhh, it works!!!!

i installed osx86 on ide device (Maxtor 80Gb) the hardware ID is 0x522910B9. I added this one and the ID you sended me and now i can see NTFS win partitions on a SATA Hd installed also!!

Now i have 1 little problem: i need to delete extentions.kextcache and .mkext before restart the system, if i don't do this after restart my ide HD is slow again!!!

do you know what i can do to fix???


thank you guy!!!!

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If you mean you have to do that before every restart, then you need to boot up OSX, delete both files, then run this command (without the quotes)

"kextcache -l -m Extensions.mkext /system/library/extensions/" which will create a new Extensions.mkext which will have the SATA working. Then anytime you add a kext or whatever, only delete the Extensions.kextcache file and leave the mkext file, unless you want to run that command again. I don't know why this happens, but I fixed it ultimately by doing a new install of OSX and then editing the file again.

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warning: kernel extension /system/library/extensions/AppleGPIO.kext is missing dependencies (including in cache anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)

warning: kernel extension /system/library/extensions/AppleHWClock.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleEMacClock.kext is missing dependencies (including in cache anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)

warning: kernel extension /system/library/extensions/AppleHWClock.kext/Contents/PlugIns/ApplePulsar.kext is missing dependencies (including in cache anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)

warning: kernel extension /system/library/extensions/AppleK2.kext is missing dependencies (including in cache anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)

warning: kernel extension /system/library/extensions/AppleKeyLargo.kext is missing dependencies (including in cache anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)

kernel extension /system/library/extensions/AppleOnboardPCATA.kext is not authentic (check ownership and permissions); skipping it and any plugins

warning: kernel extension /system/library/extensions/IOI2CControllerPMU.kext is missing dependencies (including in cache anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)

warning: kernel extension /system/library/extensions/IOI2CControllerPPC.kext is missing dependencies (including in cache anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)

warning: kernel extension /system/library/extensions/IOI2CControllerSMU.kext is missing dependencies (including in cache anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)

warning: kernel extension /system/library/extensions/IOI2CDriveBayGPIO.kext is missing dependencies (including in cache anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)

warning: kernel extension /system/library/extensions/IOI2CFamily.kext is missing dependencies (including in cache anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)

warning: kernel extension /system/library/extensions/IOI2CMotionSensor.kext is missing dependencies (including in cache anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)

warning: kernel extension /system/library/extensions/IOI2CPulsar.kext is missing dependencies (including in cache anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)


no file made after command!...i tried to use "sudo repairpermissions /system/library" but nothing change


thank you


ps. i have alc882 sound system, win give me this "func_01&ven_10EC&dev_0882". do you know what i need to change in azalia kext???

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Ok, those warnings are normal, but I think I might have needed to make the command be

"sudo kextcache -l -m /system/library/Extensions.mkext /system/library/extensions"


Also, when you repair permissions, you should just run diskutility. If you want to do the command line alternative, it is

"diskutil repairpermissions /"


As far as the Azalia kext, you need to go to AppleAzaliaAudio.kext/Contents/Plugins/AzaliaController.kext/Contents/ or something like that and add your device id to the info.plist there. In your case, it should be 0x088210EC. I don't know if that will work or not for your chip since mine is an AD1986a chip which is a bit different. Good luck though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
You need to add 0x528810B9 to the PCIMatch section of AppleVIAATA.kext/Contents/Info.plist. That's it. Problem is that I can't figure out how to add this file to an install DVD so I can install it to SATA native. I have to use VMWare to install it, edit the kext, then reboot in native. If someone could shed some light on that, I'd really appreciate it. I have read the many topics on how to create an extensions.mkext file, but when I do that it says the archive would be too large and quits. The command I ran is "kextcache -m /extensions.mkext /system/library/extensions/".


Anyways, that device id should get you SATA compatibility. Oh, yeah, you can't use AHCI mode, you need to use emulated PATA. I think it only works at SATAI speeds, but hey, it's still fast.


Good luck.



I have as Asus P5RD2-VM Motherboard,

i used deadmoo's OSX 10.6 disk image to image a partition,

now as expected i got the waiting for the boot device error,

i used MacDrive from Windows to edit AppleVIAATA.kext/Contents/Info.plist file,

but i can't find the "PCIMatch" section in that file,


how do i find a device id for a device,

i am currently using windows xp,


please help,

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  • 4 weeks later...

I also have P5RD2-VM, which has the m1575 chipset mentioned above, PATA device ID 0x522910B9.


I tried adding it to AppleVIAATA.kext/Contents/Info.plist as mentioned below,

and the system boot fails, giving some message about ATA device blocked or something, then "still waiting for root".


Before editing, it booted but gave me 1MB/s transfers.


I'm trying to use the PATA only. Any ideas why this isn't working for me?


I'm using JAS 10.4.6


Thanks kindly,







I have as Asus P5RD2-VM Motherboard,

i used deadmoo's OSX 10.6 disk image to image a partition,

now as expected i got the waiting for the boot device error,

i used MacDrive from Windows to edit AppleVIAATA.kext/Contents/Info.plist file,

but i can't find the "PCIMatch" section in that file,


how do i find a device id for a device,

i am currently using windows xp,


please help,

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  • 2 years later...

i have this chipset too.


got it working by adding 0x522910b9 to SATA section of appleviaata.kext

the deleting applegenericpcata.kext from ioatafamily in plugins.

rm extensions.mkext

reboot : done.


it reverts to slow because it uses the {censored} applegenericpcata ...... so remove it and it'll be always fast!

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