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I've Fallen in Love with OS X help !


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Since I started using OS X 10.4.1 and upto now I have grown to love and admire the OS and the way things work, here are just a few thing i think make OS X so much Greater than XP


Installing / Uninstalling Apps

Nice Startup Time

Being able to Use the computer from the Moment the Desktop Appears

No Crashes

Little to no file fragmentation, no matter how many apps i put on OS X the Speed is still there

Little to no viruses


I could go on forever i think, it's hard for me to think of more than 1 way in wich XP is better(Gaming, But who cares, if i wanna Game ill play the My 360 or PS2, name some things you like about OS X over windows, or just Like.


XP is just a Relic , i just get nagged to Boot it up when the odd family member want to have a go of there fav game.

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I have purchased 4 Macs in the past 8 years and would be more than happy to buy OSX86 from them. I love thier designs and think they are the sharpest looking computers around but I can't aford the high prices now. I hope they will consider people like me who have been and still are Mac/Apple supporters.

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Personaly, I feel that if Apple stopped developing osx RIGHT NOW, I would still be using it for the next 4-5 years at least. My PC has gone from being a toy (literaly, it was hooked up to my tv via S-video and I used it only for games (yes, I am one of those rare girl-gamers) and divx playback; despite the fact that it's an overclocked athlon64 3000+,my 1Ghz 17" powerbook was still my "real" computer). Windows is a toy OS as far as I am concerned. Even with XP, Windows does not multitask well. At this moment I have over a dozen application running, I'm encoding a AVC video, listening to iTunes, and, of course, writing this. Windows, on the same hardware, would CHOKE! Windows, from a networking perspective, is ment to talk to other Windows boxes, OSX is highly interoperable with other OS'es. I rely on Spotlight to get things done day to day; smart folders and instant searches literaly double my productivity. I can make a smart folder that contains everything related to a particular project or client. Another plus is the fact that I have never ran a anti-virus program on a mac, even ONCE (osx is designed in a highly secure manner).


My first Apple was a SE/30, and today that very Mac is running netBSD and handling email and web server duties for a client. It can fully saturate its 768k uplink, makes nightly backups, and has a uptime of over a year.


Let me repeat that- An antique computer with 32 megs of ram and a 4 gig SCSI-1 HD is going strong, serving webpages and emails, and has run in a 24/7 server config for over 3 years (the year uptime has more to do with the battery backup failing than the device crashing).


Apple has turned towards more comodety components, but makes up for this with stelar software. Going forward, the term "Mac" is going to be a purely software definition- i.e. What makes a computer a Mac is that it runs the software operating system called OSX.


If Apple was still using classic Mac OS, they would not be in a position to make this transition. OSX is quite possably, the best desktop OS out there, period (as a tech-professional I have also deployed it in servers configs). OSX is (now) the only thing that makes a Mac a Mac.


That alone, is worth it to me :D

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Wow fx-86 that was touching :sob: I totally agree with u, but it just goes to prove that

1) Apple Hardware rocks (My 3 Yr old PC has had its gfx card, HDD, MB replaced)

2) Its the quality well programmed software that makes the final difference

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That what they all say till they get fragged :dev:


I think my boyfriend's LAN-party buddies all breathed a sigh of relief when I installed OSX86 ;-)

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Wow fx-86 that was touching :sob: I totally agree with u, but it just goes to prove that

1) Apple Hardware rocks (My 3 Yr old PC has had its gfx card, HDD, MB replaced)

2) Its the quality well programmed software that makes the final difference

I disagree with #1. If you know what you're doing with a PC, the hardware is far superior. Same with SPARC systems. My 486/66 with 20 megs of RAM running MySQL under Linux was up for 208 days with not a single problem. If my mom hadn't flicked the wrong switch in the power box, it would still be running. One might assume that Apple has superior hardware because the majority of pre-built systems suck. Yes, the macintosh does have superior hardware to the average Dell, HP/Compaq, or any of those other companies that rip people off. If you build your own PC, and you know which parts to use, you'll find that you've got a much faster and perfectly stable system.

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My first Apple was a SE/30, and today that very Mac is running netBSD and handling email and web server duties for a client. It can fully saturate its 768k uplink, makes nightly backups, and has a uptime of over a year.

The SE/30 was a very nice machine. I used one equipped with an external Ikegami 19" display.

btw. I'm still running my Quadra 6100 as a FileMaker Pro-based Webserver :D



So, after using Mac OS X for a couple of weeks, I decided to sell my PC and buy a iBook oder Macbook.





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Disagree with #1: Apple built many (admittedly good looking) rather poor and/or buggy machines and sold them at a very high price.


Agree with #2: That is the real value behind Apple.


Consequence: OSX86 can be an extremely attractive combination of affordable hardware and superior software (if one likes OS X).


1) Apple Hardware rocks (My 3 Yr old PC has had its gfx card, HDD, MB replaced)

2) Its the quality well programmed software that makes the final difference

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True, true. Which is why I find the idea that I can now build my own Mac very exciting. The Mac68k/NetBSD project has suffered greaytly because those machines are definitly not "open". They are still struglling to talk to half of the floppy controllers, and sound is out of the question. I lucked out by having a supported ethernet card. Bugs in the ROM required some messy hacks to get the thing into 32bit mode.


As far as sparc boxes, they are on of the best deal for cheap servers. I managed to put together a quad cpu Sparc 20 machine for next to nothing and the best part is, Sun's latest OS still fully supports it.


At the end of the day, it's the software that makes a computer great.

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Dood i was talkin about current gen machines. Till i have

1) AMD Athlon XP 2100 M/c ->

Replaced MSI board with ASUS

Replaced ASUS GF4 with replacement from company6 after fighting for it

Replaced 80 GB IBM with 160 Maxtor

Replaced PSU Antec


2) Intel P4

Replaced MSI MB with New MSI.

Put New RAM


3) AMD Athlon XP 2000

Replaced MSi with ASUS

Replaced GFX card

Replaced PSU


BTW My old Compaq Pentium II from 1999 runs Win200 Beautifully, No errors, nothing replaced. Ram Upgraded.


Apple looks more beautiful too. Actually i just know that PC hardware sucks and my friend has a 4yr old working fine, while my 2Yr old compaq has a dead HDD, dead CD, dead Floppy, and takes 1 day to install XP on it

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