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No error message, just restart


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I have 10.5.2 kalyway dvd and it has worked before, now I'm loading and it loads loads, then straight restart, does it all over again, and again, and again.


AMD Phenom 9850

Biostar 790gx


This is a new processor/mobo combo than I used on the first osx86, but I thought there was AMD support. Maybe I'm wrong in assuming this should work?


Thank you in advance!

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fixed it


SOLUTION: My hd needed to be set in ACPI mode or whatever that setting is. It wouldn't detect it from SATA so I did that and then it found my HD's and formatted and currently 80 some percent finished with the install

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fixed it


SOLUTION: My hd needed to be set in ACPI mode or whatever that setting is. It wouldn't detect it from SATA so I did that and then it found my HD's and formatted and currently 80 some percent finished with the install



I know it's kinda old, but did you have succes with the install? I will be getting this MBO, so I would appreciate any info :)


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