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I'm trying to get synergykm to work with my hackintosh as the server side and my macbook as the client. Using wireless for network through an airport extreme.


Everything is setup and connected over the network, and the macbook arrow goes to center screen. But when I try and get over to the macbook screen from the hackintosh, nothing happens. Any one else had this issue, or are they using synergykm in a similar way and have it working?

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Here's my problem: I had SynergyKM working cross platform for a while. My MacBook would happily act as a client to both SynergyKM server on my iMac @ home and my XP SP2 Synergy at work. The different profiles worked a treat.


Then something got borked. Now the MB won't work with either the iMac or the XP system. It says it's connected but as soon as I try to move the mouse in to the MB screen the server machine releases the mouse but the MB never picks it up. The log on the MB says that the "server timed out", pauses a few moments and then reconnects while the log on the server says "error writing to client".


I want to reinstall SynergyKM on the MB, because I think the problem is there, but I can't get rid of it completely. Even if I re-run the installer and "remove" then wipe all traces I can find in Spotlight, when I reinstall SynergyKM, it says "Upgrade complete" and the profiles I established before are still there. Clearly I'm not getting rid of everything.


1) Anyone have any ideas what's causing the error?


2) Failing that, where is the profile and other info stored in OS X so I can wipe it out and actually start a clean install?


I'm a relatively new Mac guy. If it were Windows, I'd expect I missed a registry entry or an .ini file somewhere, but don't know enough about OS X yet under the hood to know where to look.


Help? Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if this is related but please check the SynergyKM system log (accessible from the SynergyKM System Preferences applet) and tell me if you see this:


"synergyc[299:10b] _CFGetHostUUIDString: unable to determine UUID for host. Error: 35"


Probably not your problem, but you never know...

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