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Just wondering. My vanilla hack has been saying 4 GHz since install. Every benchmarking utility i run says 4 Ghz. Temperature Monitor's System Information says 4 GHz. but its a 2.4 Ghz e4600. I Stuck a diesel zalman fan on there just to be safe. Everything I find says that the maximum clock rate is 4 ghz.


Am I overclocking without doing anything?

Is 4 GHz safe with out a massive water block?

Is there any way to test the proc post install?


With the Zalman, Temp Monitor says 31c and 28c right now. The zalman dropped that 15c. 8). Also I am having the sleep, shutdown problems, so I assume the speedstep isnt happening correctly, but I havent done much research into it.


fyi (Im on 10.5.3 brazilmac + pc_efi) Thanks in advance

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installing the kext didn't do a thing. I did install the Intel integrator and was able to change some of the tags with text information in it, like "Model Identifier" in System Profiler. And the 10.5.4 update changed everything in Temperature monitor's system information window. So whatever. It's running good enough.

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