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Leopard Login Problems...

TrYp MyNe

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Hi all, i used software update today to get the newest ilife updates along with itunes and quicktime, and also, the airport update. i didn't do the security one cuz i figured it would break my install. I let that download in install, then it said to reboot. so i rebooted, and it boots fine, loads up the login window. i click my name, put in password, and it acts like its trying to load finder. however, all i see is the dock for a few seconds, then out of the blue, screen fades into blue, then into the login screen again. its like its kicking me out almost. how can i fix this, if this is an answerable question from the info i have given you??? i have even tried safe boot and it does the same thing. thnx in advance

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anybody? i found out that it was probably the airport update that broke my install. like i said, i can get to the login screen, but once i try to login, it kicks me back out. any fix at all? can i boot up into single user mode and remove the files associated with the update? holla baq

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Not sure never heard of this one. I would reinstall and backup your install and then do each update till you figure out what one does it. Its good to do multiple backups and time machine makes it easy.


Try to figure out what does it. Its possibly a fluke thing may never happen again. I'm pretty sure no one has ever had this exact issue but search to make sure. Sometime here you have to solve your own problems but then you can post what you did and it might help someone else.

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Ok, here's what I did find working for me with Zephyroth's AMD install.







I didn't make an update for Airport because I don't use it, but I'm also guessing that could most likely be the cause.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I did find the culprit, it was the Aiport update, it adds a new kernel and some other junk. the only reason i was able to boot was because i put mach_922 in the com.apple.boot.plist, therefore still using my kernel. but for the logging in part, theh system.kext was corrupted and when i tried to put a working one back in i got the dreaded "you need to restart your computer" message at boot. lucky for me the Zephyroth DVD has every single driver i need (his pc is almost exactly like mine, but i have non-custom) and it installed without problems again. so i have a working system with everything working (no vanilla as it is AMD) but I will never update the airport again lol :wacko: thnx for all of your help anyways tho

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