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Changing my IP?

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Well I know there's software on Windows to change my IP address, but does anyone know of any for Mac to change it? I got an IP ban on a server that I'm using (no real reason for it....) and I wanna see if I can get around it lol.

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Hmmm.... I unplugged my little DSL router all night last night..... oh well


Wait are you talking about the actual cable box like outside the house?


Indoor router. But if you can do something to the cable box outside then kudos!


If I'm correct your setup is like it's shown below.



Telephone Pole (Outside) ============> DSL Router =========> Secondary Router ----- Multiple Computers

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If you have a dynamic IP then it should change every day/few days, but if you have a static IP (an IP that does not change) then like MoC says, unplug your modem and router both for a long time, plug them back in (modem first then router) and it should automatically get a new IP address. The easier solution is to use a web proxy (changes your IP).

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Tried using a proxy by doing the stuff in system prefs, but when I went to sites that display your IP it was the same as before....


Note to self.... click the apply button


Now I just gotta find a working proxy server


So far none of them have worked. All I get is a connecting attempt..... I did accidentally use Rice universities but I had to have a login for that and I don't really wanna steal their internet lol.

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#Working proxies checked every 10 min	7.5780	2.3250

# China

# India

# Japan

# Netherlands

# Poland

# Russian Federation

# Spain


:) Proxy lists here and here. :P

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Can't change em directly in safari....


Okay I got one to work through firefox but I can't get it directly through system prefs.... which is what I need....


(I'm trying to connect to a WoW priv server that I got a ban on.....)


Any ideas?

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Can't change em directly in safari....


Okay I got one to work through firefox but I can't get it directly through system prefs.... which is what I need....


(I'm trying to connect to a WoW priv server that I got a ban on.....)


Any ideas?


Don't do that. It would be as slow as dialup. Dont do it if you don't want ubar lag.

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Ah okay


Well it's a temp ban but I just wanted to try it to see if I could.....


Wish there was a way that I could just log into my ISP and change my static IP.... oh well.


Thanks a bunch for the help guys!

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I'll check my ISP site to double check if I got static.


Just call tech support and tell them to reset your IP address. They'll do it with some bitching :angry:


Good Luck.

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They should stop helping their children and work later.......


Closed atm >.>



I love it when you are on the phone with a tech support and he is acting like you're retarded and you're about 10 steps ahead of him...... I think I know how to log into DSL.... username and password....


Instead of asking how I'm doing they should ask if I'm a n00b or a computer savvy person....

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Sorry to double post.


Okay well I called them and they are going to do it.... within the next 3 days.... w/e.


Seemed very easy to get it done though. Didn't even ask why I needed it done.


Now to find out why the heck I have a static IP.... don't really have a use for it.

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Well yeah.... but I don't run a porn network unlike other people....


lol Time Warner forwarded me to someone with English as their second language (I think he was Chinese [no offense to anybody]). I couldn't understand a word. You were lucky, here they have different levels!


1= IS IT PLUGGED IN?!!!!!!!one

2= Okay, now "disable" and *quote fingers* "enable" the connection

3= The signal is fine, we can't help you *click, hangup*



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