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Whats your opinion on refurbished MB Pros?

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So I am going to pick up my first MBP in the next month or two... well I was thinking about getting a refurbished one. Whats everyones opinion on the product you get out of a refurbished machine? Hows the quality and are there any down sides I should know about. Thanks!

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I'm french, excuse me my bad english


My last Three Macintosh are refurbished.


Two iMac G5 and One iMac Intel from french Apple Refurb...


No problem, 99 % of a new iMac, just on the box, is write "refurbished"



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I've never seen one with any major scratches. There might be very small ones on the bottom, like with all aluminum PowerBooks and MacBooks, but otherwise they're fine. They come with a full warranty too, and you can get AppleCare on them. Nothing to lose, really.

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Generally if you've had a new macbook pro, you've looked after it. And the refurb ones won't be more than a few months old anyway, they sell out so fast. Also the macbook pros are quite hard to get a decent scratch on by accident.


Had a refurb iPod, which was immaculate. I know its not a notebook but it was all in fresh wrappings with new accessories etc.

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Funny story. My bro when he was about to head off to college bought a new black macbook from apple. About 2 weeks later I bought a refurbed one, exactly the same specs and everything for (I think) 500$ less. Looks EXACTLY the same, runs just fine, NOTHING wrong with it. I highly recommend refurbished.

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Funny story. My bro when he was about to head off to college bought a new black macbook from apple. About 2 weeks later I bought a refurbed one, exactly the same specs and everything for (I think) 500$ less. Looks EXACTLY the same, runs just fine, NOTHING wrong with it. I highly recommend refurbished.

To be fair to your brother, students don't get discounts on refurbs, so he probably got his new for about the same price he could have gotten a refurb, and if he got it during back to school season, he probably also got a deal on an ipod or printer, which wouldn't apply for refurbs (I got my MacBook for $999, and $200 off on a new iPod).

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To be fair to your brother, students don't get discounts on refurbs, so he probably got his new for about the same price he could have gotten a refurb, and if he got it during back to school season, he probably also got a deal on an ipod or printer, which wouldn't apply for refurbs (I got my MacBook for $999, and $200 off on a new iPod).



Actually... Students do get discounts on refurbs, at least at the university where I work. We can pick up a new one for just over $1600 and a refurbed one for just under ~$1500

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Actually... Students do get discounts on refurbs, at least at the university where I work. We can pick up a new one for just over $1600 and a refurbed one for just under ~$1500

Through Apple or through your university? If I go to the Apple Store for Education, the refurb prices are the same as they are on the regular Apple Store.

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I bought a refurb'ed MBP 17" about a month ago and could not be happier. It looked brand new when I pulled it out of the box. The biggest surprise for me was that it came with 4 GB of ram and 250 GB HDD; which were the upgrades I would have picked if I were able to customize the refurb. I am sure it is random which, if any upgrades you can get.

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