About This File
This kernel is compiled using 10.7.1 patch made by nawcom which in turn is based on the kernel patcher made by Meklort.
I added support for Ivy bridge-E CPU'S and LAPIC FIX to prevent kernel panic in some laptops.
Can load KEXT in "Extra/Extension" Folder even those they are repeated in "System/Library/Extension" folder
*Remember if you have Ivy Bridge-E or Atom processor it is necessary to use the NullCPUPowerManagement.kext
1.Replace your kernel with this (Obviously)
2.Delete KernelPatcher.dylib, from your Module folder.
3.Reboot and the first boot with -v and -f (Otherwise you're going to get kernel panic)
4.Run Kext Utility
10.9 IVY-E Atom Lapic fix.diff.zip Is source code
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