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  1. Past hour
  2. My skylake is in the pits..nothing seems to work...boot with progress bar has like green color..apple logo is red...it's slow..very slow..can't go past language chooser..same EFI booted Sonoma 14.5. What I'm i missing?
  3. Since everyone is disabling AMFIPass.kext for now and many of us have an installation of Sonoma on the same computer, can someone please provide the maxkernel value for the AMFIPass.kext on a system running Sonoma 14.5 so that we can switch from Sonoma to Sequoia without having to disable the AMFIPass.kext every time? Thanks.
  4. Easy enough install - I just disabled AMFIpass kext. My EQMac no longer works though so I don't have volume control through my USB.
  5. Ok fellows I'm in, vanilla install, removed all OCLP patching, disabled AMF kext and the last bit that enabled me to finish the install from the failed attempt was, put back SecureBootModel to Disabled. That part was missing since I stupidly thought as I was doing a clean install, that had to be stipulated as a particular Mac Model in the config.plist. Sometimes I am too clever (or I think I am ) for my own good hence the reason I constantly run into trouble. I just need to sort the WiFi out and I am good to go. Hope it is or will be less painful for others.
  6. Asus TUF Gaming B460M-PRO AMD RX460 RTL8125 ALC1200
  7. Installed on HP Elitebook 840 G4 Intel Core i7-7600U Quad Core CPU Intel HD 620 Graphics
  8. Yesterday
  9. macOS 15 Sequoia first beta ...
  10. So, what we have there? Sonoma 1.5 or 2.0? 🤨 I'm making it via software update, only 4,29Go?
  11. Better resolution Im using two new Kexts made by my Developer Friend @Hnanoto https://github.com/hnanoto/Bluetooth-File-Exchange And https://github.com/hnanoto/AirPort-Utility Video_24-06-10_20-32-21.mov
  12. AirDrop (sending to iPhone only) Working with intel Wi-Fi 6 and itlwm.kext and Heliport
  13. Maybe you went a bit too far. I used what worked for me with Sonoma 14.5 but disabled AMFIPass.kext. I'm sure I needed most or all of my boot args. You may too.
  14. I disabled the kext and all OCLP patching, basically a vanilla install from a USB drive,
  15. Installed on HP Prodesk 600 G1 CPU: i5-4590 (3.30 GHz) Graphics: Radeon Pro WX 4100 4GB Very happy of the Graphics support
  16. I would like to set my AMFIPass.kext so that Sonoma is the maximum build number it will load. Can anyone tell me what the number should be for Sonoma 14.5?
  17. AMFIPass was indeed the culprit on mine. And yeah OCLP nightly doesn't include the sequoia-development branch, we'll have to build from source for it.
  18. 🤔 unmm unable to mount EFI with OCAT , EspMounter , Hackeck and Diskutil cmd to lupi@iMac-di-Lupi ~ % diskutil mount /dev/disk0s1 Volume on disk0s1 failed to mount If you think the volume is supported but damaged, try the "readOnly" option lupi@iMac-di-Lupi ~ % I wanted to try the new OCLP commit... to see if it works
  19. What are your settings related to AMFI?
  20. Well, it installed pretty easily. However, it doesn't like my memory configuration (this is new - no issue with Sonoma). I'm a bit surprised, as I thought that maybe this was it for Intel Macs, but apparently not. Seems pretty stable, at least so far.
  21. Unfortunately, I failed at taking one for the team. From a vanilla install, without the OCLP patches also with -lilubetaall in config.plist and SecureBootModel set to Mac model instead of Disabled. Got so far as just before last reboot and it just goes into a reboot loop. Am I missing anything else to be added to the boot-arg to get to the Desktop?
  22. Already done that. AMFIPass.kext disabled, amfi=0x80 boot-arg, Disable Library Validation Enforcement & Disable _csr_check() in _vnode_check_signature enable in kernel/patch. And right now it is installing correctly on ivy-bridge laptop. Lets see. After that I'll try on core2. I'll report here.
  23. done ! ... via software update
  24. Installed macOS Sequoia at first try in a test ssd, the only thing that I did was using -lilubetaall as boot arguments as suggested by @Max.1974, and it worked strait away. macOS 15 Versão 15.0 beta (24A5264n)
  25. Try AMFIPass enabled with -amfipassbeta in boot args. Maybe it's useful also -vsmcbeta and of course -lilubetaall. OCLP has a branch named sequoia-development, you can get there the beta version to try Sequoia >> Actions: Replace hardcoded os_data.sonoma with max_os CI - Build wxPython #1544: Commit f9ecafb pushed by Jazzzny sequoia-development
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