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  1. Yesterday I updated to 11.5.2 very smoothly. Remarkably today, iMessage started working. It is really strange as I spent a lot of time trying to get it working like 8 months ago, and although everything checked out perfectly, it would not work. Don;t know the exact reason, but it just started working. I am including my config.plist (with serials removed), and my ACPI directory. The Kexts can be downloaded freely. This is all on the latest OpenCore 0.7.2. config.zip
  2. Here is my latest EFI for my i5-6300u based t470. It is totally based on the great t480 work of: Vojtěch Jungmann https://github.com/EETagent/T480-OpenCore-Hackintosh This removes a number of binary patches from config.plist, does more in the SSTD. It has a unified sleep/wake patch, and a single BATX SSDT that does it all. I like this cleaner approach. Windows also boots fine through OpenCore, whish is at version 0.6.4. I have updated all the Kext files that I use. I wiped the private data (serial number, MLB, etc) from my config.plist. Also YogaSMC control panel works fine with this and give fan RPM and control. Enjoy! efi-t470.zip
  3. Nice to hear that! I am working on bumping to ne OC and some minor changes. I really should spend the time scripting that. Nice to hear that! I am working on bumping to ne OC and some minor changes. I really should spend the time scripting that.
  4. New EFI for t470. Attached is my latest EFI based on OC 0.6.2 and refreshed kexts. I refreshed it with ideas from https://github.com/EETagent/T480-OpenCore-Hackintosh Works really well, and all Windows conflicts in the ACPI have been resolved. Can boot OSX and Windows 10 from OC now with no issues. Enjoy EFI-t470.zip
  5. Works great on my t470. Thanks. The new VoodoPS2 never worked great for me, but this seems much better.
  6. Use the following in your config.plist, you also need the PLugin AirPortBrcmNIC_Injector. <dict> <key>BundlePath</key> <string>AirportBrcmFixup.kext</string> <key>Comment</key> <string></string> <key>Enabled</key> <true/> <key>ExecutablePath</key> <string>Contents/MacOS/AirportBrcmFixup</string> <key>MaxKernel</key> <string></string> <key>MinKernel</key> <string></string> <key>PlistPath</key> <string>Contents/Info.plist</string> </dict> <dict> <key>BundlePath</key> <string>AirportBrcmFixup.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AirPortBrcmNIC_Injector.kext</string> <key>Comment</key> <string>NIC INJECTOR</string> <key>Enabled</key> <true/> <key>ExecutablePath</key> <string></string> <key>MaxKernel</key> <string></string> <key>MinKernel</key> <string></string> <key>PlistPath</key> <string>Contents/Info.plist</string> </dict>
  7. Trying to trace a "Wake reason: RTC(Alarm)" and notice my log looks pretty bad. Anyone else have something like this. Looks like a serious ACPI problem. RTC.txt
  8. My clickpad on the 470 works better with the old voodoo from rehabman. The main issue I have with newer voodoo is using the pad press to hold a window when moving windows. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. What mutex other than batm needs patching? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Thanks. Fixing SMBU->SBUS So the Trackpad SSDT is not needed? Thanks.
  11. Sure, Here is my current EFI with serial stripped out. efit470.zip Sure, Here is my current EFI with serial stripped out.
  12. I do not know how the combination of Apple ID, Serial Number, Machine Name key an entry in the Apple DB. I did a few experiments, using a new Apple ID -- got the same thing, but a different code to give Apple when contacting support. Also tried to use a valid Serial Number on one boot, it also failed in the same way, with yet a different code to give Apple should I decide to call. I may experiment with a different machine name, and platform, maybe MacBookPro13,2 to see if that shakes anything loose. I would really like to get this figured out, as I also have a two hackintosh desktops I would like to get on iMessage.
  13. I never dual boot to windows, so am not sure about that. I should check my comments, I had been using OpenCore ndk to get a graphical boot in OpenCore, but now just use Vanilla Opencore + the OpenCanopy that Vanilla Opencore supports. The boot screan looks great, and I get everything from one place. I should note that what I checked into your repository is the "config.plist" and the ACPI/*.dsl -- Not a complete working EFI. I usually, get a new opencore EFI add in the Resource/ directory for the graphical boot screen copy the HfsPlus.efi driver into the EFI/OC/Drivers as it is not part of OpenCore copy the checked in config.plist to EFI/OC copy the "compiled" *.aml from what I checked into ACPI/ to the EFI/OC/ACPI reboot
  14. iMessage? I had tried a few times when using CLOVER, and more seriously now when using OC, but have been unsuccessful in getting iMessage to run. I read the guides, and in particular the Valilla OC guide. They recommended a serial number that was valid, but with an invalid date. I was unable to generate such a number -- I tried maybe 200 times. With a invalid serial number, which is supposed to work, I get the dreaded: Cannot sign into iMessage on this Mac, contact Apple Support and provide the code below: Customer Code: XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ Apple ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Has anybody figured out how to get passed this, either through configuration, or by calling apple? The Apple ID works fine with iMessage on my phone.
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