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Macbook screen

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Macbook users, how do you find the 13 1/2 " screen? Is it suitable for intense use?


I want to replace my windows laptop, but I am concerned that the screen on the macbook will be too small. I am web designer and I like to have lots of programs open at once. For example, could I have Dreamweaver's main edit window (not the toolbars, ect), bbedit and an FTP client open on the same screen?


I would love to see a 15" macbook, I can't justify the expense of the pro version.


Thanks :P

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I've borrowed a macbook for a week to see if I like it. I have a PC with XP and OSX installed but can't get my Ethernet card on the OSX to work, so don't really use it.


I found the Macbook cool. I don't really need a laptop (I study maths - so mainly need a pen and paper) and all I really use it for is typing (Like here). And that's fine on the 13" screen. But if I were to use several applications with many windows then things could get crampt. Especially considering I’m used to my current 19” PC monitor. So I would really ask myself if I can hack (lol) the small screen.


Maybe borrowing own would be a good idea (if you can find someone with one), or just spend some time in an apple store and have a fiddle by opening loads of appz to mimic how you would use it.


I'd just be worried that I’d get an eye ache all the time with the heavy use due to the small screen.


But remember you could always stick it onto a large monitor when u got home. :)

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even though the screen is smallish, the resolution is 780x1200 or something. its a pretty good resolution, so i think youd be able to have a lot of things open. i was at the apple store recently and was messing around with the macbooks, and they can have a lot open at once.

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