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install issues: Leo4All Toshiba Tecra S2


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I Downloaded Leo4All-10.5.2 Universal AMD/INTEL[sSE2/SSE3] From TPB &

Burned it with Roxio For Mac (on iMac)... with 1x....

Once It Finished I Took The DVD out and put it in my mac... booted it.... it took abt 5 min to load (not the vanilla screen...)

Then I went into Disk Utility to install formated as Mac OS X (Journaled) ... and Partitioned THE FULL HD with (GUID)...

Then went into customize and selected what was needed.... clicked done.. clicked install then install


what did i do wrong?


(Pic Below...)


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I Downloaded Leo4All-10.5.2 Universal AMD/INTEL[sSE2/SSE3] From TPB &

Burned it with Roxio For Mac (on iMac)... with 1x....

Once It Finished I Took The DVD out and put it in my mac... booted it.... it took abt 5 min to load (not the vanilla screen...)

Then I went into Disk Utility to install formated as Mac OS X (Journaled) ... and Partitioned THE FULL HD with (GUID)...

Then went into customize and selected what was needed.... clicked done.. clicked install then install


what did i do wrong?


(Pic Below...)


You put it in your iMac?

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No ugh... i got a tecra S3 Now... well its not working i tried both leo4ALl & the kalaway but so luck.& i cant even install XP any more... hard drive wont mount i format with fat. nothing works.. =/HELP PLEASEwait......... ITHINK ITS INSTALLING OMG!!!wait......... ITHINK ITS INSTALLING OMG!!!IT IS WORKING I THINK ITS INTSALLING ON THE VOLUME "Macintosh"

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No ugh... i got a tecra S3 Now... well its not working i tried both leo4ALl & the kalaway but so luck.& i cant even install XP any more... hard drive wont mount i format with fat. nothing works.. =/HELP PLEASEwait......... ITHINK ITS INSTALLING OMG!!!wait......... ITHINK ITS INSTALLING OMG!!!IT IS WORKING I THINK ITS INTSALLING ON THE VOLUME "Macintosh"
It worked after you named it "Macintosh", huh? You must have gave your volume a two worded name or one with a space before. Remember to only use one word when naming your volume. Congratulations on your install.
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Well i thought it was installing, but sadly it lagged at the 2 minute mark for well over 1 hour so i turned it off.. And i booted it with the DVD and it booted OSX86, but without the DVD it doesn't boot anything! Please help I need this done withing 3 days because im moving... ;)


Gone to school let me know what I should do.....


I used this before to install the OSX86 on the whole partition, but i wont both Vista & Macosx86 HELP?


fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0 (when the partition you want to install leo on is your first hard disk)

then type print

and then you see a list of all partitions and the partition with an * is the one who is set as active


so if leo should be on the 2nd partition you must type: flag 2

and then type: write

then hit enter

type quit

hit enter

type exit



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Well i thought it was installing, but sadly it lagged at the 2 minute mark for well over 1 hour so i turned it off.. And i booted it with the DVD and it booted OSX86, but without the DVD it doesn't boot anything! Please help I need this done withing 3 days because im moving... :D


Gone to school let me know what I should do.....


I used this before to install the OSX86 on the whole partition, but i wont both Vista & Macosx86 HELP?


fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0 (when the partition you want to install leo on is your first hard disk)

then type print

and then you see a list of all partitions and the partition with an * is the one who is set as active


so if leo should be on the 2nd partition you must type: flag 2

and then type: write

then hit enter

type quit

hit enter

type exit



You either installed GUID and then used MBR EFI OR it is a bad burn. Have you tried a different DVD burner?

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so confused. I used the tiger before. buh iunno just stuck and hopeless..


what should i do? should i d/w another version of the osx86?



I own the original from the apple store so i have a license


But really stuck.


This is what im doing:


I tried to use Kalayway it didnt even boot to the install (continue) it lagged on a text @ some point...


I am using Leo4All 10.5.2 well it runs. I use disk utitly and


Format ALL as Macintosh Journaled....

Then I partition it into 2 parts...

both GUID & mounted...

I close it and install by selecting the first one...

Well it installs then lags on the finishing in approx 2 min... i shut it down it boots only from CD


Now IM STUCK..I Cant even install Vista... It Cant Find ANY DRIVES!



I Tried Formating in MS DOS to install Vista to at least do my school homework but no use... HELP ME PLEASE I AM DISPIRIT -_-

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When you format your hard drive (in the disk utility) all you do is go to partition, make two partitions, the one you are installing Leopard on format it to Mac OS Extended(journaled), but before you format, click on the options menu and select GUID partition map. Now it is formated as a GUID and you install with the GUID EFI when you install. It should boot without the dvd.

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Ok im going to try that.... But How about the 2nd partition? it will be journaled as well?

I ant both vista and leopard and even when i put my vista install disk it doesnt reconginze any

DRIVES.... so ill try the 2 partions.. and jut format as GUID? and something about EFI ill find that &by the way thanks so much for you contiuning help...


& im using Leo 4 Alll Should i try with a usb external drive for kalyaway?

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If you want to dual boot you have to install windows first, it gets a lot trickier with vista, but you can follow this guide: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=39253

And I think the reason vista can see your hard drive is because you have it under a Mac OS format, format it as Fat32 (with the leopard disk utility) or better yet use the "Paragon Partition Manager Professional" and format the drive as NTFS. Vista will then be able to see the hard drive and you can install.

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Well... I just gave it another shot... didnt work =/


I Downloaded Leo4All v3... Hopeeinng it would workk

but i got this errorr


Help Me PLEASE =( I dunt know what to do anymore...


I tried booting with

-x, -v, -s , --s, and alll! =/ just keeps on showing that msg.

it s sayys


some error about disks and restarts and restarts



& i did the HFS+ thing...




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