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The obvious answer to this question would be to disable sleep. But with the state of the enviroment, I would prefer not to.


I have a 7300gs running nvinject 2.0 DUAL MONITORS running on leo 10.5.2, vanilla kernel.


The problem is after my computer wakes up from sleep the monitors resolution changes and one monitor (the primary monitor) is no longer recognized (therefore is blank). I tried putting a shortcut to system preferences on the secondary monitor so when it changes resolution I can change it back. The problem with that is the display properties show up on the primary (unrecognized) monitor.


Any ideas about what is going on?


Thanks, JOe K.

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It's not when the monitors turn off, its when the computer sleeps (I think you knew that but I just wanted to specify).


I think it has to do with the drivers not loading properly after sleep. The functional monitor was the only functional one before I changed my NVCAP (before I had 2 monitor support). After that change I had 2 monitor support. But with NVInject dual monitor support did not work "out of the box."


Would the sleep kernel fix this?


Any ideas why this would happen?


What is the difference between Vanilla and the sleep kernel?


Thanks, JOe K.

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