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found a link that describes drivers that work in BSD for the SiS 964... NO idea if this could work in darwin, but I'll add it to my list of things to look it. I know a couple people on here with SiS so if you want to, please see if you can get it working.


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i wouldnt mind this as well. i have the msi 661fx which has that southbridge chipset. Whats strange is that the 10.4.1 deadmoo image worked on my computer, maybe if you force some sort of generic drivers to load with the ketload command, you may get work similar to 10.4.1 (deadmoo). Though this would be only a temporary fix until someone was kind enough to port some drivers for us with sis 964 chipsets *pulls a puppy face*


Trying t to get off topic, but does anyone know what IDE drivers were loaded in deadmoos 10.4.1 image? Just so i could try forcing that kext to load, and see if i can at least get it to boot.


Good luck Orph3us, PM me if you get anywhere with the drivers, or if someone ports them for you :dev:

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