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Freezing at startup darwin or F8 not working?

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The topic says it This is what I done:


Burned it to a dvd

Restarted my pc and did the F8. I then entered in ''Sudo -s'' (I think thats what ya enter if you trying to do the retail dvd guide) After about 6 mins it brought me to the grey backround with a mechincal thing spinning around and an apple logo. There it just freezes. Like the thing still spins but well that happens. Specs are in the sig.


Edit: Solution:


Got it working now! Yatta it actually gets working! for those who had same problem as me this is what you do to get you to the installation area


1. For abit mobos. In the bios click on optimal settings, In the bios make sure CD is first,HDD is 2nd along with floopy being third and make sure you can use the keyboard so if yours is usb plugged in set the keyboard to bios and it will load on bios as well as the Operating system and save.

2. When your burning you have to double click on the kalyway file itself (I went into nero and burnt the image itself on a disc instead of burning the images contents onto the disc.)

3. Restart pc. When it boots start pressing F8 rapitly. If sucesseded it will come up kalyway etc. Type in commend '' -v -s cpus=1 '' without the '' if your using Intel Core 2 Duo / Intel Core 2 Quad/Extreme/Xion

4. It will now come up with all this big text,move the mouse and dont stop until you see the mouse icon. It will go into smaller writing and it will scan through the files. For one line to load sometimes it make take 40-50 seconds. When it gets to the place before typing in exit. Type in the commands above it (2) if they appear, Then type exit and it will come up Dsmos = Starting (or something along the lines) And a few more lines of text. Wait 1-2 more mintutes and tada your there. From there on using your wits and cells you can access terminal,disk utility and lots more!


Deleted all posts when I had problems so I don't confuse you

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Ok reburned it and now at boot up the F8 isnt working....Oh great my DVD drive is IDE :wacko: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What will I do without putting stuff inside my pc. Do I need to get an external DVD drive.


I have an IDE DVD drive... What things are you selecting from the customize menu when you install OS X?

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Got it working now! Yatta it actually gets working! for those who had same problem as me this is what you do to get you to the installation area


1. For abit mobos. In the bios click on optimal settings, In the bios make sure CD is first,HDD is 2nd along with floopy being third and make sure you can use the keyboard so if yours is usb plugged in set the keyboard to bios and it will load on bios as well as the Operating system and save.

2. When your burning you have to double click on the kalyway file itself (I went into nero and burnt the image itself on a disc instead of burning the images contents onto the disc.)

3. Restart pc. When it boots start pressing F8 rapitly. If sucesseded it will come up kalyway etc. Type in commend '' -v -s cpus=1 '' without the '' if your using Intel Core 2 Duo / Intel Core 2 Quad/Extreme/Xion

4. It will now come up with all this big text,move the mouse and dont stop until you see the mouse icon. It will go into smaller writing and it will scan through the files. For one line to load sometimes it make take 40-50 seconds. When it gets to the place before typing in exit. Type in the commands above it (2) if they appear, Then type exit and it will come up Dsmos = Starting (or something along the lines) And a few more lines of text. Wait 1-2 more mintutes and tada your there. From there on using your wits and cells you can access terminal,disk utility and lots more!

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