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This is a driver problem which was partially solved with Leopard Graphics Update.


I say partially because once the update installed mouse tearing dissapears 99% but you can't change your resolution so your games and fullscreen keynote presentations, basically anything that would change the display resolution may not work. Decide which one is more important to you. I say get used to it.

Here's the situation for me.


My system has two video ports, DVI and VGA. DVI is provided by an ADD2 card to expand the onboard GMA950.


With stock GMA950 drivers from Kalyway 10.5.1 install, mouse tearing, both video jacks work and allow me to span and have QE/CI and resolutions.


After update, only VGA works, and ANYTHING attached to DVI locks up the WindowServer, but I do get QE/CI, and resolutions. Oh, and no mouse tearing, but scrolling in Safari bookmarks menu causes the menu to flicker.


Oh, and forget about going back to the original drivers without reinstalling. I tried, and couldn't get OpenGL games or graphics to work, and when I tried again, I totally hosed the system and couldn't boot.

you dont need to do leopard graphics update...i have the GMA950 and i have solved the mouse artifacts and tearing issue by doing this:


1) Download the GMA950.zip file from the link below and extract the GMA950 folder to Desktop.


2) Go to the Applications folder, then Utilities, then open up Terminal

3) In Terminal, type the following commands


sudo su (then enter your password)


rm -R /system/Library/extensions/AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext


cp -R /Users/your-username here/Desktop/GMA950/AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext /System/Library/Extensions/


cp -R /Users/your-username here/Desktop/GMA950/Natit.kext /System/Library/Extensions/


chmod -R 755 /system/library/extensions/AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext


chown -R root:wheel /system/library/extensions/AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext


chmod -R 755 /system/library/extensions/Natit.kext


chown -R root:wheel /system/library/extensions/Natit.kext


kextcache -k /System/Library/Extensions


diskutil repairPermissions /


4) after terminal has finished repairing disk permissions, close terminal and reboot computer

Thanks stickyiki!!!! Who would have thought fixing this minor annoyance would be so easy? I followed your steps to a "T" and upon reboot all artifacts and mouse trearing is gone and I can still control all my resolution and QE and CI work still. I have yet to find a single thing that would make this fix not perfect. I'd been debating just saying screw it and installing the graphics update but now there is no need. Thanks again.....



The only thing I need now is to get my Resolutions back :P


I'm might need to install Kalyway's 10.5.1 version and not Leo4All so I can boot up without disc.


Anybody know how to fix the resolution issue after fix?

you dont need to do leopard graphics update...i have the GMA950 and i have solved the mouse artifacts and tearing issue by doing this:


1) Download the GMA950.zip file from the link below and extract the GMA950 folder to Desktop.


2) Go to the Applications folder, then Utilities, then open up Terminal

3) In Terminal, type the following commands


sudo su (then enter your password)


rm -R /system/Library/extensions/AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext


cp -R /Users/your-username here/Desktop/GMA950/AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext /System/Library/Extensions/


cp -R /Users/your-username here/Desktop/GMA950/Natit.kext /System/Library/Extensions/


chmod -R 755 /system/library/extensions/AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext


chown -R root:wheel /system/library/extensions/AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext


chmod -R 755 /system/library/extensions/Natit.kext


chown -R root:wheel /system/library/extensions/Natit.kext


kextcache -k /System/Library/Extensions


diskutil repairPermissions /


4) after terminal has finished repairing disk permissions, close terminal and reboot computer


This worked for me, thank you very much!!

  • 1 year later...

Hi stickyiki, y tried your method, but now I haven't resolution, I only have 1024x768, but I need 1280x960 or up, and to don't have the tearing.


Can anybody help me to have resolution and to don't have the tearing? I had install IPC 10,5,6 and my hard is


Intel GMA 950:


Chipset Model: GMA 950

Type: Display

Bus: Built-In

VRAM (Total): 64 MB of shared system memory

Vendor: Intel (0x8086)

Device ID: 0x2772

Revision ID: 0x0002



Resolution: 1024 x 768

Depth: 32-bit Color

Core Image: Hardware Accelerated

Main Display: Yes

Mirror: Off

Online: Yes

Quartz Extreme: Supported





PD, I tried with the driver of GMA 915, and it works partiali, I haven't the tearing and I have the resolution, but the video isn't very good

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