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Shutdown & SATA Related Problems

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i got to know that Netkas 9.2.0 Kernel can solve shutdown related problems..so can anybody give me by attaching it...because i am not able to find it on irc.osx86.hu




i read that AppleIntelPIIXATA kext can make all Sata Channels Working..but befor that we have to remove AppleViaAATA.kext

so i want to ask you is AppleViaAATA.kext preinstalled...???or only those will have to remove who have installed it...???

if its preinstalled..plz tell me how to remove it..???


i read about them at http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...90989&st=60 and http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...8335&st=120

but noone replied there so i thought to make a seperate topic...plz dont ban me if i have done it wrong..sorry for that..


but plz do reply me here...


thnx.. :P

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you can check and see if you have AppleVIAATA by opening /System/Library/Extensions. that is where all extensions are.


first of all, make sure you have the correct hardware. the modified kext is only for certain chipsets. if you have a different one, it could cause major problems.



When you ask a question, list your hardware.


Also, here is a great search engine (works very well, and gets all/only OSx86 stuff): http://######.com/osx86search/

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yeah..sorry i forgot to mention here..otherwise i have mentioned everywhere i have posted a topic..


here is my specs:

Motherboard: Asus P5B-VM(G965 Chipset)

Processor: C2D E4400(2 GHZ OCed to 2.2 GHZ, SSE2 & SSE3 both compatible)

GPU: nVidia Geforce XFX 8500GT 256 MB DDR2 OCed to 670/525 MHZ

HDD: Samsung 80 GB IDE, Seagate 250 GB SATA

RAM: Kingston 1 GB DDR2 667 MHZ

ROM: Sony DVD Writer 16X


i tried to search for netkas 9.2.0 kernel on http://######.com/osx86search/ but its like searching on google or insanelymac only....i asked you only because i was unable to find it...therefore i asked to attach it..plz somebody attach and give it...thnx.. :P

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