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Darwin/x86 Bootloader troubles


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Really did not want my first post to be a help thread, but since the uphuck community doesn't help with anything, I will go ahead and ask it here.



I installed iATKOS again today, with a fresh install, but the Darwin bootloader did not install with it.


I chose that package, but I have to use the DVD to boot the system.


What can I do about that? Thanks!

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That is a step that you must do manually before you install iAtkos, but it is done within the installation DVD. This is from memory, so bear with me. When you boot the iAtkos install DVD and get to the screen where you have choices at the top, select either Tools or Utilities and the Darwin Bootloader utility is on that menu. Before you do this, you will need to know what your drive and partition numbers are, such as "disk0r1".

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Bump again



Hi djdut2000,

Yea, I know the Darwin Bootloader Utility in iATKOS does not work. But if you will try the one below, it will work.

This is a boot loader that I created to fix the problems involved here.





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This problem is well-known as "Blink-Cursor"


Easies way but take time is re-install Leopard by format your HDD and name it with single word naming (do not have any space in the name) like Leopard. If you want to have space, use "_" like "Mac_OS_X".


Harder way, boot with install DVD in -s mode. go to /usr/standalone/i386 (of your DVD).

then ./startuptools -v /dev/rdiskXsX boot (X = number of you HDD and 2nd is number of your partition that you install Leopard). then Vala.....


your bootloader is alive

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