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i downloaded the leopard install for the external from the torrents and then executed as said

on booting from my harddisk EXTERNAL a grey screen comes and after some seconds a note comes you need to restart your computer press the power button or restart button to do so and in four languages.



what to do i am using a HP dv6516tx laptop with 2gb ram nvidia geo force 8400gs card and the external is of 80gb

I haven't installed on a laptop - I understand there are a few other things to worry about but./....



You should explain to the forum what install you are talking about? Retail? Kalyway? iAtkos? an AMD install?


At the darwin bootloader press F8 - then at the prompt type -v If that doesn't work try -s then report back any findings




you mean to say b4 the grey screen comes up i should press f8 will surely do that



my instal folder had a



and the bat file which directs it to the harddisk

and write to leopard img file


my processor is centrino core 2 duo 1.5ghz

nvidia geo force 8400gs

2gb ram

80gb is the hard disk external on which it is installed1_DSC00408.JPG


sorry for poor quality of pic via mob cam

The person above asked me to press f8 and then try -v and -s i tried both and nothing got in to my head

so writing down all what i saw


this is when the screen stop scrolling down and here it goes


Package 0 didn't get an HPET

VGA: Family Specific matching fails

VGA: Family Specific matching fails

Natit: Starting

Natit: Setting @0; device_type=display

Natit: Setting NVCAP=<data not shown>

Natit: Setting @0 ; compatible=NVDA, NVMac

Natit: Setting @0, name=NVDA, Display-B

Natit: Setting device_type=NVDA, Parent

Natit: Setting NVMT=<data not shown>

Natit: Setting @0, name=NVDA, Display-A

Natit: Setting @0, fbotfset=0x00020000

Natit: Setting @1, device_type=display

Natit: Setting model=Unknown nVIdia

VGA: Family Specific matching fails

Natit: Starting

Natit: Setting @0; device_type=display

Natit: Setting NVCAP=<data not shown>

Natit: Setting @0 ; compatible=NVDA, NVMac

Natit: Setting @0, name=NVDA, Display-B

Natit: Setting device_type=NVDA, Parent

Natit: Setting NVMT=<data not shown>

Natit: Setting @0, name=NVDA, Display-A

Natit: Setting @0, fbotfset=0x00020000

Natit: Setting @1, device_type=display

Natit: Setting model=Unknown nVIdia

VGA: Family Specific matching fails

Natit: Starting

Natit: Setting @0; device_type=display

Natit: Setting NVCAP=<data not shown>

Natit: Setting @0 ; compatible=NVDA, NVMac

Natit: Setting @0, name=NVDA, Display-B

Natit: Setting device_type=NVDA, Parent

Natit: Setting NVMT=<data not shown>

Natit: Setting @0, name=NVDA, Display-A

Natit: Setting @0, fbotfset=0x00020000

Natit: Setting @1, device_type=display

Natit: Setting model=Unknown nVIdia

VGA: Family Specific matching fails

dsmos: Initializing

dsmos: Hook & decrypting contexts set!

dsmos: starting

Apple RTL8169Ethernet: Ethernet address 00:1b:24:7e:92:c3

Mar 4 11:22:54 localhost/System/Library/CoreService/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOs/loginwindow[22]Login Application Started


and on doing -s

in the middle some where i was able to read

Firewire Unable to determin security mode; defaulting to full secure


Package 0 didn't get an HPET (lots of them followed and in the end

Mar 4 11:22:54 localhost/System/Library/CoreService/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOs/loginwindow[22]Login Application Started

Mar 4 11:22:54 localhost Windows Server[120] session get info (Oxfffffffffffff) =Mac 1102




thats it so now can any one tell me what to do please

i downloaded the torrent from mininova extracted the rar file which had the leopard-x86-flat-img 16.4 gb file then deleted my volume of the external since it was a disc 1 so executed the disk 1 bat file and then a dos window came up and then after restarting i just selected the usb harddisk from boot menu

please help me i am sittign infront of my pc trying every possible stuff no food no shower just trying to run it please

you want me to write down the whole -v thing i will try to do that also please please just make my leopard run and yes it is a toh one af far as i can think

1. extract leopard-x86.rar to the folder

2. open compmgmt.msc and select Disk Management

3. remember what disk (Disk 0, Disk 1 etc) you want to install to

4. remove any existing partitions on that disk by right clicking and selecting 'Delete Volume' and 'Delete Partition'

5. copy the .bat file for the selected disk to the folder


WARNING!! selecting the wrong file may result in a wiped disk!!


6. execute the .bat file and wait..

7. reboot into the created disk [by pressing Esc, F12 or whatever your mainbord wants] and boot into a fresh osX 10.5 install, you can now

select your login info, location and so on.

8. if you wanna dualboot from vista, download EasyBCD...

9. if you're having trouble to boot into os x ,press F8 when booting and type -v at the boot screen to see whats wrong and then consult over here.



here is extra info

Copy leopard-x86-flat-img and the write leopard-x86-flat-img to diskX batch file along with dd.exe and dd --list.bat to System32 folder.


also remember: while copying the write leopard batch file, copy the correspondent batch file that you want to install leopard on. It can only be installed to a seperate, unpartitioned physical drive. For eg;


write leopard-x86-flat-img to disk0 - if your destination drive is HDD0

write leopard-x86-flat-img to disk1 - if your destination drive is HDD1

and so on...


It is possible to install leopard flat-image on Partition2 of HDD0, however my efforts to do so has not been successful. When you install Leopard this way, the partition created is 15GB, and I haven't figured out a way to increase the size...you can use the remaining disk space as NTFS or HFS+. I've also come across some articles that allow you to increase the partition size after install...


With all the necessary files in place run the write Leopard batch file as administrator (in Vista) and wait till the copying process finishes.


When the copying is done, I use easyBSD to manage the booting process. Open EasyBCD and create a new entry with what ever name you prefer, and set the drive as BOOT. Save and reboot!


Choose Leopard from the boot menu and boot into a fresh OS X Leopard 10.5.0 installation.


Model HP Pavillion Dv6516tx

System Board ID 30D2

Processor Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo Cpu T5250

Total Memory (RAM) 2 GB

Bios version F.33

Processor C4 State is enabled

Graphic Card nVidia Geo Force 8400gs


Other info

i already have dual boot on my main harddisk i.e on board hardisk 1Linux UBUNTU 2 windows VISTA

and i have installed this on my external 80GB portable hd

on pressing f8 it shows hd(0,1) leopard [whereas my logic says it is disk 1 as disk 0 is onboard one then the same says since i am booting from usb hard drive so for this disk 0 is the usb]

rest -v log is shown above

thats all i have :P

the image file has a install in it saying "installer log 28 oct 2007 " is it creating any problem or what

attaching it


I request you people help me please i need the mac running i got a holiday tomo in whch i have to complete all my coll assi and a busy week ahead


The 1 in the pic is the rar file which extracts to 16.1 gb and the 2 bat file is the one which writes the complete data to the disk and 3 is the text file that was there in the img file its the same as provided above


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