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Apple AC97 (AD198x "a,b,c") Fix for 10.5.1 and 10.5.2

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Ok I have a Fix for Most AD198x sound cards in OSx86 10.5.1 and 10.5.2.

Load Applications/Utilities/Terminal

sudo -s
Enter Password:
cd /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAC97Audio.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleAC97CodecAD198x.kext
chmod 644 Info.plist
nano Info.plist

Scroll Down Until you see:

<key>PNPVendorID</key><string>ADS75 ADS74 ADS73 ADS72</string>

Change it to:

<key>PNPVendorID</key><string>ADS78 ADS74 ADS73 ADS72</string>

Hit (APPLE)+(0) then (APPLE)+(X)or on PC(CTRL)+(O) the (CTRL)+(X)to Save the Changes

Now Close Terminal

Load Applications/Utilities/ Disk Utility and Click Repair Permissions

Wait for this to Complete

Once it is complete Load Terminal Again

sudo -s
Enter Password:
cd /System/Library/Extensions/AppleAC97Audio.kext/Contents/PlugIns/kextload -t AppleAC97CodecAD198x.kext.

Close Teminal

Open Terminal Once More to make it Load this kext every time you boot up.

sudo -s
Enter Password:
rm /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache
kextcach -k /System/Library/Extensions

Close Terminal and Repair Disk Permission to be Safe


Once Rebooted Load Applications/Utilities/ Audio MIDI SetupClick the Properties For Drop Down and Choose the bottom AC97 Audio (PCM)

Change Format on the Right Pane to (6ch-16bit) or (6ch-32bit)Varies per your motherboard.

Click Configure Speakers

Click Multichannel, Change Drop Down Menu to Stereo

Change "left front" value to 3

Change "right front" value to 6

Enjoy audio on all AD1986a ,b, or c card from HP, DELL, and Compaq

I have tested this on a Dell Laptop and Desktop and had friend use it on HP and Compaqs

If you have any issue you can repeat everything and try changing it like:

<key>PNPVendorID</key><string>ADS78 ADS77 ADS76 ADS75 ADS74 ADS73 ADS72</string>

Note I would only try changing ADS75 to ADS7x x="number 6-8" or it may crash but I haven't had any issues.This has never given any problem... you can try another patch too that will not force you to change the audio channel but I forget the link to it. Try looking on google. It is for 10.4.9 but you just change the file they tell you to edit to this file and it will work fine!

Also on a Dell Dimension 3000 full 5.1 surround work if you set it to all outputs.

I tried your method along with http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.ph..._Optiplex_GX520

with my DELL GX620. My sound was working fine with the above steps prior to doing the 10.5.2 update.


When I ran your kextload option I get this error message (Any solution for this?)


bash-3.2# kextload -t AppleAC97CodecAD198x.kext

kernel extension AppleAC97CodecAD198x.kext has problems:

Authentication failures:


"File owner/permissions are incorrect (must be root:wheel, nonwritable by group/other)" = (








Missing dependencies:


"com.apple.driver.AppleAC97Audio" =

"No valid version of this dependency can be found"




pardon. I can't successful about ADI1983



I use dell optiplex 745.

that use ADI 1983 for audio.


and i 've following with your instruction. sir

but i still can 't be use audio.


and in " Audio MIDI Setup "

i 'm only found "HD Audio Output"

i 'm not found "AC97 Audio (PCM)"


Would you like to suggest me more ? sir.


Thank you very much


  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...
I tried your method along with http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.ph..._Optiplex_GX520

with my DELL GX620. My sound was working fine with the above steps prior to doing the 10.5.2 update.


When I ran your kextload option I get this error message (Any solution for this?)


bash-3.2# kextload -t AppleAC97CodecAD198x.kext

kernel extension AppleAC97CodecAD198x.kext has problems:

Authentication failures:


"File owner/permissions are incorrect (must be root:wheel, nonwritable by group/other)" = (








Missing dependencies:


"com.apple.driver.AppleAC97Audio" =

"No valid version of this dependency can be found"





Yes!!! After about a week of trying to get my onboard sound to work the link you posted to the optiplex gx520 tips worked like a charm! Thank You! All that was need was to match the cards device id (27de) YAYYYY!!

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