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Hello guys,


First of all thanks for everybody written something to any other topic here. With your help I managed to install Leo 10.1 quite fine on Sony Vaio SZ1-HP. I installed it with Kalyway -vanilla and Guid. Network work and sound as well. Only problem is that About this mac shows:


Model Name: Mac

Model Identifier: Mac Pro

Processor Name: Intel Core Duo

Processor Speed: 1.67 GHz

Number Of Processors: 0

Total Number Of Cores: 1

L2 Cache: 2 MB

Memory: 512 MB

Bus Speed: 667 MHz

Boot ROM Version: Hack.int.0sh


My vaio scores about 1500 points on Geekbench so I think this isnt working properly with both cores. I have read that even if it views 0 processors and 1 cores it should work but this is not as fast at it should be. I could not find any solve to this from forum so i decided to ask if any one of you could help. Btw same problem was with 10.4.8.

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Installing with option cpus=2 didnt help. Am I doing something wrong here.. All the installations have done shows exactly same "About This Mac". No difference with vanilla or not, cpus=2 or not. How do i know for sure if i have even installed leopard with vanilla?

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Hello guys,


First of all thanks for everybody written something to any other topic here. With your help I managed to install Leo 10.1 quite fine on Sony Vaio SZ1-HP. I installed it with Kalyway -vanilla and Guid. Network work and sound as well. Only problem is that About this mac shows:


Model Name: Mac

Model Identifier: Mac Pro

Processor Name: Intel Core Duo

Processor Speed: 1.67 GHz

Number Of Processors: 0

Total Number Of Cores: 1

L2 Cache: 2 MB

Memory: 512 MB

Bus Speed: 667 MHz

Boot ROM Version: Hack.int.0sh


My vaio scores about 1500 points on Geekbench so I think this isnt working properly with both cores. I have read that even if it views 0 processors and 1 cores it should work but this is not as fast at it should be. I could not find any solve to this from forum so i decided to ask if any one of you could help. Btw same problem was with 10.4.8.


I had exactly the same problem as you a few months back. I also have a Vaio SZ series.


Basically go into activity monitor and make sure your on the cpu tab. You should see 2 small

graphs indicating two cores. If only one is shown then only one of your cores are working.


To fix this problem I had to install Windows Vista and even in there only one core was detected.

Then I did a BIOS update from the Sony website and that fixed my problem. Its a long method

but it was the only way I found successful on my Vaio SZ

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Thanks Da11y! I installed XP yesterday and there was only one core graph. Then I tried to update bios with "BIOS Update R0083N0" but i get error "cannot read system information". I really would like to update my bios but it seems to be bit more harder than I thought. Why they cant make bios update like good old days with booting dvd? Err.. Do you know if I have to run Vista to update my bios? I downloaded update under Windows XP section but it wont work. I have also removed my system restore hidden partition so i cant try that.

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Thanks Da11y! I installed XP yesterday and there was only one core graph. Then I tried to update bios with "BIOS Update R0083N0" but i get error "cannot read system information". I really would like to update my bios but it seems to be bit more harder than I thought. Why they cant make bios update like good old days with booting dvd? Err.. Do you know if I have to run Vista to update my bios? I downloaded update under Windows XP section but it wont work. I have also removed my system restore hidden partition so i cant try that.

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Your getting that error because you need to install all the utilities for your Vaio.


Install these utilities :


Sony Video Shared Library

VAIO Edit Components

VAIO Event Service

Original Utilities Package

VAIO Help and Support Center Update


That should about do it

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