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Battery Meter goes missing after 10.5.2 update?


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So yeah, Title kinda explains it all, Once I was done updating using the KALYWAY packs from bit torrent (Vanilla Kernal on an Acer 4620z) now my battery display meter is gone, and re-installing the power management kexts dont seem to do anything to help... Is there a file Im missing that would be of help to display my remaining power levels?

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10.5.2 upgrade replaces PowerManagement.bundle in /System/Library/SystemConfiguration


If you replace the new one with the one you installed for the 10.5.1 it will work..






Dell D620 2.0GHz 4GM ram 10.5.2

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So far I have replaced my powermanagement.bundle about 10 times and still no battery meter abilities... Any other ideas?



If you back up your old extentions, just replace these with the old ones, but do that one a time do not do all so if something went wrong you can track it hope this helps.








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For all you that dont know, in /System/Library/Core Services/Menu Extras/ theres the folder to customize your toolbar regardign Battery Icon, Eject Button whatever... Hope it helps


Ill take a look there for customization later on, thanks for the tip...


(although I know it won't help with the battery issue because energy saver doesn't even detect a battery at all either, thinks im on a desktop...)

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Ill take a look there for customization later on, thanks for the tip...


(although I know it won't help with the battery issue because energy saver doesn't even detect a battery at all either, thinks im on a desktop...)



I will later attached my extensions and the bundle, that may help.


I am now working on my real MAC I need my hp Hack MAc to send those, you can PM me with an email if you want.




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If you back up your old extentions, just replace these with the old ones, but do that one a time do not do all so if something went wrong you can track it hope this helps.









It doesn't matter what version of all those extensions you have, here's all you need to do to get things going again.


First, make sure that there is a AppleACPIPowerSource.kext inside your /System/Libraries/Extensions/AppleACPIPlatform.kext/Contents/PlugIns folder. If there isn't, copy the one from your 10.5.1 backup or grab one from the driver thread. Now open up /System/Libraries/Extensions/AppleACPIPlatform.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleACPIPowerSource.kext/Contents/Info.plist in a text editor and at the very bottom section (under OSBundleLibraries) you will see all of this kext's dependencies. The problem is that it has a dependency on the older version of AppleACPIPlatform. So to fix it, under the <key>com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPlatform</key>, change the version number on the next line from 1.1.0 (or whatever yours says) to 1.2.1. So, for example my OSBundleLibraries section looks like this now:




Now just save, repair disk permissions if you replaced the AppleACPIPowerSource.kext, and reboot.


I've attached my AppleACPIPowerSource.kext incase you can't find one or just don't want to make this change yourself.




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wow I must have the worst luck in the world, Manually edited that .plist file (mine was 1.0.1) and still no battery detected... Im going to go through and take a look through all my .kext files trying to hunt down the cause... Will post updates as I go along... Thanks for all the help so far everyone


EDIT: On a side note, My system appears to be lacking bolth:





If someone can post up a link or a DL for those two files I can try to install them and see if thats why my system is on the fritz...


The odd thing is the battery meter worked fine in 10.5.1 once I put in any version of the powermanagement.bundle file but as of the update to 5.2, Thats where the trouble starts... Its really odd that with no changes to the system besides the update (which ironically claims there are no changes to kext files made) the meter disappears...


EDIT 2: After installing a copy of AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext from the KALYWAY CD I now see the battery meter flash quickly on boot.

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Here are the kexts and PowerManagement bundle that I am using. I'm not entirely sure where they are all from - I think the AppleSmartBatteryManager was the default one left after 10.5.2 install (not sure if it was new or left untouched from 10.5.1). The AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement was from 10.5.1 which I extracted from the iAtkos install DVD. The PowerManagement.bundle is the one from this thread (or the one linked to it, I forget). Anyhow, here they all are.


I should mention that these are working on my machine which is Vanilla kernel + EFI.






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I have Leopard 10.5.1 and there is no battery indicator. Would that same code work or not? I am not going to attempt it until I get a reply because I am not sure what the end result will be? I have been doing research on it and apparently it was supposed to work. I don't know what's up with this thing but I don't get it.

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