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Today Apple has released a separate graphics update, not included in 10.5.2.


Leopard Graphics Update is recommended for all users and improves the stability and compatibility of your Mac.


This update requires Mac OS X 10.5.2.


TWO Security updates were also released today from Apple. One is for PPC, and one is Universal. You can download the appropriate version from here.


The security update is for users of 10.4.11, NOT 10.5.2.

This update screws up GMA 950 desktop users. If you DL, be sure to backup/replace your kexts. After reformatting due to ACPIPlatform issues the first time around, I decided to just leave this out, until there's an official way to handle any framework updates it may offer without breaking my GMA drivers.

For GMA950 users, backup AppleIntelIntegratedFramebuffer.kext, run the update and then switch back to the backed up one as the update hoses the Leopard framebuffer doesn't work on the GMA950 one.

forgot to backup those kexts.

too bad = reinstall the whole thing?

or can you provide me with yours?


greets from frankfurt, germany


According to this article, this graphics update really helped the Mac Pros out a lot :P


That makes sense, 'cause it sure made a difference on my desktop box. Heck, even my 7600 Go powered notebook saw a pretty decent improvement in performance. This update rocks. :P

forgot to backup those kexts.

too bad = reinstall the whole thing?

or can you provide me with yours?


greets from frankfurt, germany



Me too.. that dont solve the problem (for me)... here is why:



When it reloads it fixes the res in 1024 pixels. And neither my laptop built in or my LG 22'' goes blank.


So even changing the old kext back, I cant go to the pref pane to get my resolution back...


Looking for a way to set resolution on single user mode here:



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