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Hiya. Just got a cider port version of GTA SA and installed it. Game starts up, but has strange texture bugs - seems like many textures are transparent, which makes playing almost impossible. Read about the mouse issue and editing the config already and tried to fix it, but had no luck so far.

Just wanted to know if somebody had success in running the ciderized version on the following system properly (no texture bugs): MB 13'' white, 2GHz CoreDuo, 2 GB RAM, GMA 950 64MB, OS 10.4.8

If so, which changes did you do in the config file?

Thanks, peterpaul08

The GMA950 technically is supported under San Andreas, but things like speed of the chip and the chip wasen't made for gaming comes into play.

I know the GMA 950 is quite crappy, and I didn't expect GTA to run at full frame rate and high details. However, I wonder if the missing texture problem is due to incapable hardware or to wrong settings in the config file...

No, most likely it's Cider and the compatibility of the game with the combination of Cider and the gma 950. Now let's say you had bootcamp with windows running, and had GTASA. would it run perfect? No. Would there be missing shaders? No. When I was running the Xpress 200, SA on lowest settings and resolution bairly got me 30 fps. And it dipped here and some a lot.

  • 10 months later...

(Sry, I know the thread is quite old)


I play GTA San Andreas on my MacBook 2.16GHz, GMA950, 1GB RAM. The game works quite well, however, quite often when I drive a car it suddenly crashes. I have no clue about those system files and documents. I changed some settings in the config file, but the problem is still there. I guess it is about my graphic card.


The cider used was gametapper.


How do I make it work? I mean, the game works just fine most of the time... so there has to be a possibility.



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