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I installed Kalyway 10.5.1 SSE2 SSE3 and when I try to boot, it shows about 5 lines and reboots, before I can read it.

It only boots off the DVD, and if the leopard partition is active.

Problem is, if XP is not active it wont boot right, so my question is, how can I get Leopard to boot w/o a DVD, and still have my XP partition active?


Thanks in advance!

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need to install darwin boot loader or efi just search 'install darwin bootloader' and should tell you how i had this same problem but install bootloader and worked

Says Vista OnlyWhen I try to run it, it says its not a valid MBR with vista, and it says it can update it for me, but im afraid it will mess it up since i have XP, not vista.I have EFI and Darwin installed already, but liek I said, XP wont boot unless it is Active.

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