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On my MBPro could someone tell me why my 100GB HD is losing almost 100 MB per hour or so. I've been emptying cache with Onyx, scrapped huge mail folders, got rid of Bread crumbs and things like that. But for some reason my HD space just keeps going down at like 100 MB every 1 hour or so.


I have 10.4.9

MBP Core Duo (not Core2 Duo)



100 GB 7200 RPM HD


Anyone experience similar Mac issues. I've been looking into the swap file thing, but I've also seen you can't get rid of those files.

Run a program called ActivityMonitor from the Utilities folder in Applications. That will give you a list of all current running applications (if the list isn't displayed automatically, then go to the menu Window->Activity Monitor). Try to find out if any applications are running that you are not aware of. Some of them may be system processes, so I don't recommend you try to blindly terminate them. If you like, you can make a screenshot of that window (use the grap app in utilities) and post it here so we can try to figure it out for you.





Thanks for your help, I've done a screen grab of "My Processes"


Could you show me how to do that 60% screen cap thing, where you can see the pic way smaller then click it to see the pic.




Never mind it does it automatically. I wish I could do that in every forum I frequent.

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