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Does anyone actually have a hackintosh fully functional with FCS 2?

Dual monitors?

Wifi working?

Firewire working?


I see a lot of posts saying "I have it working except ____." Maybe that's why they're posting.


I'd like to get 10.5.x working with FCS 2 on a Core 2 Quad system. I'd like to know if it's actually possible to get everything working. My wife actually does the video stuff (I'm the computer guy). If it doesn't work well she won't be too happy with me. :P


If you have a good system running, perhaps you could mention the hardware and OS version you're using. I've read the wiki on hardware compatibility but that's just for running OSX, not FCS 2.



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Does anyone actually have a hackintosh fully functional with FCS 2?

Dual monitors?

Wifi working?

Firewire working?

Yes, all of those work perfectly. Just get a motherboard that has onboard firewire, such as the Intel Bad Axe, Asus P5W DH Deluxe, or Gigabyte P35-DS3 range...


For Dual Monitors, I know the 7-series nVidia cards all work with dual-outputs, many others do to. Eg. my 7600gs 256mb works with dual screens.


For wifi, any of these cards work : http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.ph...10.4.8#Wireless


I use the Asus WL-138G v2, works perfectly, detected as Airport Extreme :)


There are many threads already on creating FCS 2 quad core builds, just look around...

I have FCS2 running on an 8 core system I built right now, everything works perfectly.

I am not wireless so that part does not matter to me and I cannot test it for you but I can report that everything else works perfectly.

See signature for system specs.

I have FCS2 running on an 8 core system I built right now, everything works perfectly.

I am not wireless so that part does not matter to me and I cannot test it for you but I can report that everything else works perfectly.

See signature for system specs.

Yeah, yeah, rub it in.


I almost had FCS2. I was at 44GB of the 52GB download after like 3 weeks and then Demonoid got shut down! So you can imagine how frustrating that was. ;)

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