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After the 10.4.10 update using tubgrl install disk (THANX!) my bios detects my hard drives very slowly.

It seems like it's hanging for a minute and then detects them.

Master HD has xp installed and the slave has Mac installed.

When I had 10.4.8 installed booting was normal.

When booting from master HD it talks a minute for the boot.ini to appear.

When booting the slave(mac) the same thing happens, it is waiting for something.

Any ideas?



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no way could an update of OS affect bios detection of HDD, sounds like one of those drives is possibly on the way out?,


did you change config of IDE/Sata ports either physically or in BIOS to get the update going perchance?


Check your cabling anyway, could try turning off S.M.A.R.T in BIOS if it's there and ensure Quick power on self test is enabled... clutching at straws there though

I agree an os update should not effect the bios in this way, do you have some other storage devices hooked up or maybe some usb or firewire device, try unplugging them all and see if anything changes. When i have my ipod/usb storage/etc. hooked up my HDD detection takes a bit longer. This is the most probable cause.


Check and make sure that all your bios settings are right.


The other thing that i could think of is that there may be a problem with the MBR of one of your drives. Once i formated a drive of mine or something, i'm not really sure how it became corrupted cause it was a long time ago but anyway, it would cause my bios completely stop at HDD detection when it was plugged in, i had to repartition the entire drive to fix it.


You seem to be lucky enough not have the second problem, but if its not a usb/firewire device try booting with only the one HDD then try only the other one and see if this changes anything, try removing the optical drive too, this is to see if you can narrow down the problem to one of the drives. then after that you can try to find out if it was formatted wrong or it may be damaged/defective any you may have to send it back.

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