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Same ol' **it


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This may seem irrelevant and off topic, however, I'm curious about why it's just the same old **it in thread after thread. It seems to me that "Search" would be of great value for most of the topics here. I make no claim to being any sort of "guru".....but my post count is 6 and I've been registered on these forums since "Registered on Oct 5 2005, 03:39 PM". These forums are a *WEALTH* of information for those who choose to use it....


Moral of the story:


Use the wealth of information here *WISELY*, try to search, be kind to n00b's and always remember that everything you need to learn.....you have learned by kindergarten.


When in doubt....google it

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The search function for this forum is not very good, at least that is how I fill. If you try to look something up, you usually get about three pages of nothing to do with what you searched for and maybe a paragraph of what you need. I do use it though, but it takes a lot of time to find the answer, but you do have a good point about google. If you use google it will almost always point you to this forum and the topic that you need. Just my two cents.

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I agree with you guys. Both of ya.

  1. This discussion is off topic.
  2. It's same :), different day.
  3. The search engine on InsanelyMac is *not* just "not good." It really sucks.

Here's what I suggest to do. Use Google the Almighty and search with

blah site:www.insanelymac.com

which restricts search on blah to www.insanelymac.com. It gives better answers.


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I think the question you should be asking is why it bothers YOU so much? All you did was add one more useless thread. Or join the MOD squad if you really feel the need to be in control. You know just because it was easy for you and you didnt have that many questions.. yeah yeah I know you did and you searched them all. You have no clue as to how many do search and just cant find the right answer. Also if you go to all the trouble of responded to some thread just to say search.. help the with the answer and say search next time. Its just typed words lol relax let it go..

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Try a simple search: b0


You can't . In fact I spent two days searching before posting my question simply because I didn't want to ask the "same old question." Don't be a troll: help or ignore. I'm sure the persons asking the 'same old' questions will be in a position to either help or not help you in the future. Actually, given the quality of your previous posts, you need more help than most so buck up and zip the lips...



...or help. That is the reason the forum exists.

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