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Inject Kexts into Leopard DVD on Windows?


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Hey Guys,

I noticed, that my devices can't be detect, because of no drivers. So I searched in the Wiki and found a kext for VIA-Chips. My Problem: I have Windows Vista and only a Knoppix-Linux, so I don't know, how to inject the kexts in the image. Is there any tool or something?




P.s.: I've got a NVidia 6600 GT, so should I also inject the NVidia-Kext?

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You need a working OS X install to build the kextcache which is used during install. Once you have this, I believe it may be possible to insert it with macdrive or similar from windows

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, how do you inject kexts? I'm trying to figure that out...I downloaded a Kext Helper but apparently it was meant to run in Leopard, and the whole problem is that I can't boot into Leopard...I think I need to use NVinject somehow, but there is so little documentation out there.

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