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guid and mbr?


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m not comfortable to ask these questions at this time, but have been searching the forums for an hour now and couldnt find threads that actually tell me what they are.


1.efi : extensible firmware integration : with emulating this our intel macs behave like real macs and we can update like them.


but what r mbr and guid?


acc to wikipedia :

1.mbr : master boot record...using bios how our pc's store them

2.guid : new mothod replacing pc-bios


so if we install guid,are we changing our hardware properties?[i dont think that,but m talking w.r.t definition]

and what are these in context with os x?

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NO, you won't be changing anything on your hardware (ie. properties). You changing the way the partitions are laid-out and the way the data is written to the HD. MBR partition map is used on normal PCs and is very old. GUID (GPT) is used on real macs and is much newer. It's part of the EFI specifications.

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