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Leopard installed :) now I need to get back windows xp/vista


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noob btw :D


Ok I managed to get a ToH version of mac os leopard installed onto my harddrive :) and managed to get the boot loader working by typing -legacy in the com.apple.boot.plist and then added a timer which lets me choses diffrent partitions of my hard drive.


The problem is when I select the windows XP partition of my hardrive it does not load, it just stalls in the darwin bootloader. The Vista partition also does not work as well - giving me an error that windows is corrupted.


I was wandering if there was a way to fix this? (I don't care much about the vista partition just xp really)


System specs:


compaq presario v6000: Intel core duo 1.6ghz, 2gb ram, intel 945gm graphics card, 120gb hard drive


hard drive partitions: vista 90.7gb, restore partition vista 5.2gb, Windows XP 7gb, Leopard 9gb


PS: sorry if this is covered somewere else, if this was posted somehwhere please post a link back.


Thanks for any replies

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Not sure this will help. I did has the same problem after installing BrazilMac. It cahnge my Windows XP boot; also Leopard still won't work and couldn't boot up to windows. So my solutions is resort to windows 98 CD and boot up to DOS prompt, use fdisk command and made NTFS partition active as somehow BrazilMac made my failed leopard as an active partition.

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If it helps anyone..


I'm dual booting IATKOS (Leopard 10.5.1) and Windows XP, each on a separate hard disk using the motherboard bios boot selector F12..


Aso managed.. with some initial diffculty to get parrallel on Leopard to boot the XP hard disk.. and run the entire XP installation via parrallels and also dual boot to the same hard drive...



I can't see what else that needs to be done other than getting shut down to work properly...

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oh I fixed it btw ;)


What I did was reinstall Windows XP, then my laptop booted into XP, so I installed Vista boot pro. This reinstalls the Vista bootloader.


Next time my PC turned on I was in vista, then I installed EasyBCD and added entries to XP and leopard (Generic X86 PC) to the bootloader, saved it and restarted my pc


And bingo!




so all three run in perfect harmony:




tools used

vista boot pro: http://www.vistabootpro.org/

EasyBCD : http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=1


anywho this is how it worked for me :)

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well if you are just doing a vista/mac os you can just install mac and then reinstall vista afterwards, this still keeps your osx partition intact (unless you format your whole hard drive :( ) then install easybcd when you got vista back.

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