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is it safe to update?


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In Leopard, it IS safe to update from Software Update, -IF- you are able to run the stock Apple kernel. If you can't, such as if you run on Pentium D or Pentium 4, you need to make a backup of your mach_kernel + any needed kexts, and then run the updater, then replace your kexts back. Then it should work.

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Here is how I did it but after doing it I now have USB problems, I can only access my thumb drive by inserting it first then booting. wont work afterwords so update at your own risk, you can go to apple's website to see what issues the update fixed. Worth it the trouble or not, not sure..




Install 10.5.1 Update

  • Download the update from Apples site and save it to your Download folder
  • Download the scripts below and save them to your Download folder
  • Sodu –s
  • Password:
  • ./pre-update.sh
  • Run the MacOSXUpd10.5.1.dmg but do not reboot
  • ./post-update.sh
  • ./post-update2.sh
  • you can reboot now

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