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Link to a hysterical video made by:

Dr4g0nk1d, formerly known as JedineKazama

Some loser whines about how 'cyber-bullies' hurt his feelings. Encyclopedia Dramatica made him the featured article for the day; He has removed his account and all of his videos haha. In some ways I feel bad for this kid, I'm sure he is very unhappy and he probably gets made fun of all the time. Before he deleted his Youtube profile today, it read:

A student in grade 11 with a somewhat "attitude" issue since he's been through hell & back all his life from fights, harassment, among other reasons, yet most of the time, calm & collective.
And also, if I recall correctly, you can go to jail for five years, in jail.


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Hackers: everyone's hated the deal these {censored}s.
I've been hacked by at least SIXTY of these DOODS ever since I've heard of the internet in 2002.
Why would you make someones life worse than yours online? Or try to ruin another persons reputation? Why? To increase yours? No, you are just trying to increase yours...
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