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Dear fellow hackint0shers....


I downloaded the tubgirls amd 10.4.8 release - a lil green devil place :angel:


I unpacked the Extensions.mkext onto my harddrive:

mkextunpack -d . /Volumes/OSX_10.4.8tubgirls.../Extensions.mkext


and got all the kexts unpacked that are used during bootup.


Then I got hold of a certain rev 3 of AppleNforce.kext that I inserted into IOATAFamily.kext inside its plugin directory.


I edited the plist of this nforce kext and added 0x026610de to the ioPCIPrimarymatch part to ensure my vendor code was there - and left the existing ones unchanged - i.e. I put mine after the others.


I then deleted the VIAATA kext as it is known to crash with the Nforce one - or atleast have a higher priority as of the installer loading a harddisk driver.


I repaired permissions for the IOATAFamily.kext and its content by applying the following rules:

Info.plist are supposed to be 644 - folders are supposed to be 755 - etc. - as mac has chosen as a rule - there

are some tutorials where people just give all files 755 - this is wrong and unsecure to a certain extent, and osx may then say there is something wrong with the kexts - and that they need repair - or are not authenticated.


I also did the following : chown -R root:wheel * to ensure ogu settings... owner...


then i packed the kexts to an mkext:


kextcache -m ../Extensions.mkext *


ofcourse I mounted the tubgirl release so: hdiutil attach image.dmg -readwrite

and copied the Extensions.mkext I made into the images System/Library/ folder

ejected the image and burned it.


Now, when I try to boot up the machine - its goes pretty far but gets stuck with an apple and a spinning progress wheel. - and this is really annoying....


I will try verbose mode and see what error is on the screen.


My wish for this post here - is that we gather information for workin install - so that I may make a hp tx 1000 only release - ofcourse I will remove all unecessary drivers - and tidy up the install disk - and add tablet goodies etc.


I tried following the information allready here - but there is spare information - as there are no accurate guides - XaD was pretty close to a guide - but still - I want to a disk usable for all hp tx users. or atleast

a legal ppf for existing releases - depending on what this forum allows us to talk about.




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  • 1 month later...

Hi ya'll, i'm truely pleased someone is trying the tx 1000, i so want mine running any osx86 version, i'm finding way too much unconsolidated info on how to even start, as soon as i bought the unit i swapped the drive for a formatted 60gig and stuck in a patched boot cd for 10.4.4, it wouldn't get further than greyed logo screen unless i toggled the power switch then it would continue, at the point where the installer wants a drive to install to it simply sees nothing, disk utilities sees nothing and system profiler sees nothing on sata, guess it's nvidia issues.


i don't have the tech know how to go any further and i hate failing, need some basic tutorials or i'll chew my knuckles off eventually. What can i look forward too to keep my hopes up on a ready made image being done for this lovable hardware?

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
ive sucessfully made a installation disc. only problem is wireless............


i have probs... the airport is recognized but i canot connect


have you updated this at all?

if not could you list kexts you needed so i have a head start? I will be working on getting this up with 10.6 in december.

  • 5 months later...
ive sucessfully made a installation disc. only problem is wireless............


i have probs... the airport is recognized but i canot connect


i would appreciate if somebody help about installing nvidia go 6150 in TX 1000 for snow leopard or leopard ;)

or tell me which distru is suited to tx1000 to work fully?

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