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My system is

intel celeron sse sse2 sse3

Ata 80Gig

sata 120Gig

PCchips p23g


I have installed JaS 10.4.8 on my system with ease, but I have an iPhone and want to sync with mac os x. And of course you need 10.4.10. I have tried kalyway and XxX both to no avail. For both at boot, it scrolls (really fast i might add) and then reboots over and over again... Ive tried playing with different installation always the same thing. I used my 10.4.8 disc to restore the 10.4.8 kernels, it boots to the os but still says 10.4.8 and iPhone still won't sync... All I really want is to sync my iPhone

any help would be greatly appreciated.




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thank you so much for your help!!!

unfortunately it was a no go...

I ran koolkal but at the end of the install I got an error message saying to try to reinstall. Happen to look at my system and it says 10.4.10!!! I was very excited, but on reboot I got Darwin prompt and a blinking cursor then reboots itself over and over. :D Try fixing priorities in disk util but again with the Darwin prompt, blinking cursor and reboot . Going to try manual and I'll let you know.



Thanks again for your help


My system is

intel celeron sse sse2 sse3

Ata 80Gig

sata 120Gig

PCchips p23g




It could be related with your chipset (VIA P4M800Pro / 8237)... That board is not the best for osx.

You would have to stick to 10.4.8 if that is working in you machine, or get another mobo.

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