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is it possible to run a parallel virtual machine from the express card slot in the macbook pro?


Because these express cards are very fast and I want to know if it is possible to run for example windows xp from this card in parallels?


I think this would be pretty fast!


Bootcamp does not directly boot drom expresscard ?!?!

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You will need to have a external hard drive like a esata drive to interface. You will need a os x compatible esata card and a esata hard drive. Once you do this, you will be able to run parallels or vmware from the hard drive. You wont be able to run boot camp off it because it requires booting off of a interal drive.

Did you directly installed Leopard to it ??


This worked?

Bootcamp is not able to install on it right?


For me it would be interesting how for example Windows XP/Vista runs from that disk via Parallels...


maybe that is faster because of Leopard is beta??

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