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I just found that Creative has finally a working driver (although it is in beta stage and for 64 bit)!


Well, then my question imediately becomes: "Is the mac version comming any closer with that release?"


Because I can imagen that, whilst both are unix based, the driver can be ported to Darwin. Have not much experience with that though. What do you think?




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I wouldn't hold your breath. I've long since resigned myself to using my onboard sound whilst in OS X. On the plus side, the driver seems better than it is for Windows, I don't notice nearly the amount of background noise in OS X that I do in XP.

I wouldn't count on that. Also, their driver is mostly binary so it will only work for linux systems using kernel 2.6 (or perhaps only 2.6.20) and only 64-bit edition. In other words, they would have to remake the entire x-fi binary alsa driver for darwin kernel and sound system and since it's creative we're talking about, that should only take like.... 5-10 years for them to accomplish :)

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