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Currently, I am running titan drivers on my AMD setup with a 7800gt 256mb - no problems, full support. Last time I checked, there was still no support for GeForce 8800 series cards.


Has there been any driver development for nvidia card, and/or will there be? I really want to upgrade to a 9800-series card when they are released this November (for gaming under Windows), but it is also still essential that I run my Mac-boot... without support for newer nvidia cards, such as 1gb 9800 card... that's not good!


So, is it likely that there will soon be support for these new cards? A newer titan driver, or a new driver all together? Compatibiltiy for Tiger, or in Leopard? WHen the cracked Leopard is released, will there likely be new drivers for this?


Anyway I am just wondering if I'll be able to run new nvidia hardware on project osx86 anytime soon...

Because the work on 6 series carried over and worked great on the 7 series, and from my understanding the 9 series is based off the 8 series so perhaps it will be the same type of situation? The point was, are their people actively working in these drivers (if yes, likely that work will commence on 9 immediately), and if not, it will probably take a while. Still working on 8 drivers seems to say that there's not really anyone actively working on nvidia drivers? Or is it just very complex and time consuming?

I read that the guy working on the MacVidia drivers got really mad and decided to take down his website because people were posting nasty stuff about his work. Very rude and stupid to flame a developer, if you ask me.

There were also rumors that Apple was behind the whole thing. Who knows. The thing is that now there seems to be no active NVidia group any more and a lot of the kext files are MIA (like, NVidiaEFI and NVinjector, etc).



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