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Hi there, I just realize that my osX86 version is not enabling the Execute disable bit functionality of the CPU. In particular, I could run code in the stack without any issue whatsoever. I'm running Pascal 10.4.10 upgrade over an uphuc's 10.4.9 v.1.4i r2. Is NX just stripped out in these hacked versions or is it just my installation? Is there anyway I can activate it?



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My kernel also appears to have NX (disable execute from stack) functionality crippled:


Darwin SoyuZ.local 8.10.1 Darwin Kernel Version 8.10.1: Wed May 23 16:33:00 PDT 2007; Sochi2014:VoteForUs/RELEASE_I386 i386 i386


I just executed same code from heap and stack with any problem (using gcc). The same code on Linux caused "Segmentation fault".


There are many different kernels on the trade, and I belive that some of them do have working NX, some not - the obvious reason for that is compatibility as not all processors has NX support built into them.


Best regards,


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