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Installing Mac Os X


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I have the hacked Mac version 10.4.1. When I boot from the DVD it shows the white screen with the Apple logo in the middle and a little segment circle thing that keeps turning round, roughly 10 seconds later a small circle with a line through it, you know like the ones on road signs but it is very small and black appears and it never gets past that phase. What is wrong?

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Two min. ago I saw the similar topic. I am going to give you the same advice Macgirl gave it. Start with -v and lets see what is the problem. To go to the boot menu press F8.

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It is looking for the root device. It is possible that it is the same problem I had it. You should connect your harddrive and dvdrom from the same cable. It worked for me. If this doesn't work lets check again.

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I don't think the earlier version then 10.4.7 is supporting sata but here how I did with my sata(it was version 10.4.7). I put one hd just to trick mac with the same cable dvdrom. Then I chose sata hd after it started. Worth a try.

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I have a Core 2 Duo Intel E6600

ABIT IB9 motherboard

8800GTX Nvidia ASUS graphics card

Western Digital S-ATAII 320GB HD Caviar

Maxtor 160GB S-ATA HD

Creative X-FI X-treme music

Pioneer DVD-RW Drive

SOny DVD-ROM drive


Where can I get version 10.4.8 without using torrents as they are so slow.

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I am behind a router so what ports do I need to edit and how?


Also, sorry for double posting but how do I get rid of the upload spped which is slowiung it down?


You need to get access to your routers web-based config screen, usually at


Then allow a range of ports to be forwarded to your pcs ip address.


Then choose one of these ports in Azureus, and it should be open...


Good luck.

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I got MAC version 10.4.6 but the problem still persists. I have tried using just one S-ATA hard drive and one Master disk drive but that also doesn't work. What can I do?



Make sure the jumper setting on your DVD drive is set to "Master". That might be your problem.

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