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External HD in Network

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Well, I have a nice little network running now, everything is going smoothly, even accessing the Hac's & Mac's from Windows goes perfectly, it's just that I have a 150 GB External which I'd like to share in the network through my hackingtosh... But for some strange reason its not working. It's connected through an USB 2.0 port, funny though, is that I can access my iPod, which is also on a USB 2.0 slot... I've tried to switch multiple USB ports and such, also used SharePoint s, but not succes =(


Anybody knows what I should do?


(the HD is formated as FAT32 through GParted.)

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hmmm... Kinda strange that you cant see it.. And you say its connected up to your Hac. system? have you tried it on any other systems? Sounds like a permissions issue, but if you cant see it at all then it might be something totally different.

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i can see it through my Hac. system, edit files on it, and do whatever I like..


I fixed it now though. Don't know exactly what caused the problem, but I noticed there was still space on the HD (only around 125 GB seemed to be partitioned, so I made a second partition using the left over space. (as fat 32)


After that I was able to mount it on my MacBook, but not through the workgroup, but through ' My Network' (which was never there before until I partitioned the last bit on the HD...)


Only problem left right now is that I can not access my windows laptop, but my windows laptop CAN access my Hac./Mac.



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