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A Few Hardware Questions

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Hey guys,


I haven't been around here for a long time, I gave up on OSX86 quite a while back. I recently downloaded 10.4.7 and everything is working pretty good except 2 things... My graphics and wireless. I've been searching and reading and finding topics that are pretty old, but I guess I will just post something and see if you can help me like you have in the past very well! Here are the questions...


1) Is there a way to get my laptop to run its native resolution of 1280x768 with the Intel 82852/82855 Integrated Graphics Card?


2) Has anybody figured out how to get wireless working for the Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG Card yet?


3) If the answer to number 2 is no, then which card would be best if I buy a minipci to replace the current wireless card I have? I hope to spend 20 bucks or less.



THANK YOU ahead of time for your help. This forum has helped me much in the past and it is much appreciated.



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I have been using search for a few hours and just got so frustrated that I just posted something. I'll have to keep looking, all I can find for the wireless is something that can make the airport show up, but it won't find any networks or even stay on for that matter, just blinks. I don't know why I can't find anything that works. Argh.

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