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Installs successful, no boot.


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I searched forum and found a few topics RELATED to my problem but not the problem exactly.


I am using the JaS 10.4.8 intel amd sse2 sse3 iso with v1p patch.


The disk utility works and formats the drive etc.


I select these options, base system, extra fonts, x11, intel sse3, and the patch for my mobility x600.


It checks the DVD, installs, start to reboot.


When it reboots I either get a blinking "_" in the top right or I get "com.apple.Boot.plist" could not be found.


I am installing this native, no other OS on the disk fully formated only 1 partition.


HP zd8000

intel p4 lga775 3.4ghz (sse2, sse3, the works)

2GB ram

ati x600.


What do I need to do.

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Ok I got it installed and working all good. Only thing is my x600 and wifi dont work. Any ideas on how to get that going? I cant find and kext's for them.


ati mobility x600 and integrated broadcom wireless. a while back with 10.4.4 or one of the first x86 builds my wifi worked out of the box.

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to get your Broadcom chipset workin again:


you have to edit the info.plist of the AppleAirPortBrcm4311.kext

you can find that by opening finder and selecting your HD> System> Library> Extensions> IO80211Famliy.kext

once you get to the IO80211Family.kext control-click or right click and show package contents> Contents> Plugins

then do the same. show package contents of the AppleAirPortBrcm4311.kext and then open up the info.plist in text edit

find this string:





and insert your's which will be something of the same.


<string>pci14e4,XXXX</string> <-- find out vendor-id and device-id from windows


then save it or save as and save it to the desktop as info.plist


now open terminal and type in: sudo -s

then you password (hit enter)


now type in:

sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211Family.kext/ (hit enter)

sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211Family.kext/ (hit enter)


Now type in:

diskutil repairPermissions / (hit enter)


let it do its thing now when its done. quit terminal then reboot


now if you get the airport diamond in the menubar, open System Preferences (you can do that from the apple menu)

now goto Network, if all went well a window should popup saying new port found : airport (click ok, then click apply now) then you have workin wireless


if not you have to change the bsd name of the airport from en1 to en0 in the networkinterfaces.plist found in:

your hd> Library> Preferences> SystemConfiguration> NetworkInterfaces.plist


do the edit in text edit then save it then do another: diskutil repairPermissions / (in terminal)

then reboot and try the Network Preference pane step again.

Edited by DiaboliK
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Thanks for all the help, i did that and when i rebooted it said.



"System can not use xxxx.kext, it was installed incorrectly" yadda yadda.



Any ideas?



EDIT: Im sorry, I got it working posting this over wifi. Thanks a lot!!!

Edited by SinisterJedi
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